HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont
Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet


Andrej Prsa gives a talk at the seminar of Konkoly Observatory
Andrej Prsa gives a talk at the seminar of Konkoly Observatory
Andrej Prsa
2006. szeptember 21.
Eclipsing binary stars are among most attractive objects in stellar astrophysics. Their particular geometrical layout and well known governing laws of dynamics and radiative physics enable a detailed and accurate modeling and analysis of the acquired obse
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Infrared Space Missions in the Far-infrared and their Legacy to the Virtual Observatory: 20 years of infrared astronomy at Konkoly Observatory"
Infrared Space Missions in the Far-infrared and their Legacy to the Virtual Observatory: 20 years of infrared astronomy at Konkoly Observatory"
2006. március 08.
"Infrared Space Missions in the Far-infrared and their Legacy to the Virtual Observatory: 20 years of infrared astronomy at Konkoly Observatory" A one-day colloquium, held at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, on May 11, 2006
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