Gamma-ray spectroscopy of cosmic sources
Roland Diehl
Max Planck Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching

INTEGRAL's gamma-ray spectrometer SPI has been collecting valuable data with high spectral resolution from sources such as radioactivities and annihilating positrons in interstellar-gas, from supernova explosions, and from supernova remnants. Specifically, in this energy band 20-8000 keV lines from 56Ni, 44Ti, 26Al, 60Fe, and the 511 keV line are observed. Studies have taught us about nucleosynthesis throughout our galaxy and its stellar groups, about propagation of nucleosynthesis ejecta as well as positrons, but also specifics about supernovae explosions, both of type core collapse and of type Ia. In this talk, we will review achievements and discuss what questions remain.