========================================================================= WARNINGS/RECOMMENDATIONS: - The code uses standard FORTRAN 77 language and is written in a simple way (i.e., many features could be simplified, but we avoided in doing so and focused on functionality rather than (quasi)fanciness). - Perform AS MANY TESTS AS NEEDED to check that the code works properly. - Read also the comments in the code if you encounter difficulties in understanding the result. ========================================================================= SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT: Standard GNU FORTRAN and GNUPLOT COMPILATION (e.g.): gfortran -O1 -fno-f2c -Wall tran_k2_v0.f ************************** * BASIC run [no plots] * ************************** CODES required: tran_k2_v0.f PARAMETER file: tran_k2_v0.par [set iplot=0] TARGET list: filename.lis TFA template list: template.lis [the "400 template" as used in the paper] ALL-star list: ref.pos DATA files: as given by "filename.lis" ******************************* * STANDARD run [with plots] * ******************************* ADDITIONAL codes to the above: fold_k2_rr.f cand_4_plot.sh mult_plot.sh mult_1.sh - mult_5.sh