HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont
Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet

CSKI publikációk 2007

Acosta-Pulido JA, Kun M, Ábrahám P, Kóspál Á, Csizmadia Sz, Kiss LL, Moór A, Szabados L, Benkő JM, Rácz M, további szerzők x: The 2004-2006 outburst and environment of V1647 Ori, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 133: 2020-2036 (2007)

Attrill G, Harra LK, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P: Coronal 'wave': magnetic footprint of a CME?, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 656: L101-L104 (2007)

Attrill GDR, Harra LK, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P, Wülser JP: Coronal ‘wave’: mechanism for development of large-scale CMEs in the low corona?, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 760-763 (2007)

Baker D, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Attrill GDR: Evidence for interchange reconnection between a coronal hole and an adjacent emerging flux region, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 773-776 (2007)

Bakos GÁ, Kovács G, Torres G, Fischer DA, Latham DW, Noyes RW, Sasselov DD, további szerzők x: HD 147506b: A Supermassive Planet in an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Bright Star, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 670: 826- (2007)

Bakos GÁ, Noyes RW, Kovács G, Latham DW, Sasselov DD, Torres G, további szerzők x: HAT-P-1b: A Large-Radius, Low-Density Exoplanet Transiting one Member of a Stellar Binary, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 656: 552-559 (2007)

Bakos GÁ, Shporer A, Pal A, Torres G, Kovács G, Latham DW, további szerzők x: HAT-P-5b: A Jupiter-like Hot Jupiter Transiting a Bright Star, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 671: L173- (2007)

Balázs LG, Hetesi Zs, Korsós M: Monte-Carlo simulation of a possible correlation between the estimated luminosity distances and internal extinctions of type Ia supernovae, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 858- (2007)

Balázs LG, Horváth I, Bagoly Zs, Mészáros A: Survival analysis of the Swift Optical Transient data, NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B-GENERAL PHYSICS RELATIVITY ASTRONOMY AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AND METHODS 121: 1433- (2007)

Balázs LG, Vargha M, Zsoldos E: A Pioneer of the Theory of Stellar Spectra – Radó von Kövesligethy, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 692- (2007)

Beatty ThG, Fernandez JM, Latham DW, Bakos GÁ, Kovács G, Noyes RW, Stefanik RP, Torres G, Everett ME, Hergenrother CW: The Mass and Radius of the Unseen M Dwarf Companion in the Single-Lined Eclipsing Binary HAT-TR-205-013, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 663: 573- (2007)

Benkő JM, Csubry Z: Variable Star Census in CoRoT ‘Eyes’, ACTA ASTRONOMICA 57: 73-86 (2007)

Bíró IB, Borkovits T, Hegedűs T, Kiss ZT, Kovács T, Lampens P, Regály Zs, Robertson CW, van Cauteren P: New Times of Minima of Eclipsing Binary Systems, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (No.5753): 1- (2007)

Bognár Zs, Paparó M, Már A, Kerekes Gy, Pápics P, Molnár L, Plachy E, Sztankó N, Bokor E: More frequencies of KUV 02464+3239, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 845-847 (2007)

Bognár Zs, Paparó M, Steininger B, Virághalmy G: GD 99 - an unusual, rarely observed DAV white dwarf In: Proc. of ‘Vienna Workshop on the Future of Asteroseismology’, Comm. in Asteroseismology Vol.150 (Ed. Handler G, Houdek G), Institute of Astronomy, Wien, 2007, pp 251-252

Borkovits T, Forgács-Dajka E, Regály Zs: Tidal and rotational effects in the perturbations of hierarchical triple stellar systems. II. Eccentric systems - the case of AS Camelopardalis, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 473: 191-206 (2007)

Bouvier J, Alencar SHP, Boutelier T, Dougados C, Balog Z, Grankin K, Hodgkin ST, Ibrahimov MA, Kun M, Magakian TYu, Pinte C: Magnetospheric accretion-ejection processes in the classical T Tauri star AA Tau, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 463: 1017- (2007)

Bruntt H, Stello D, Suaez JC, Arentoft T, Bedding TR, Bouzid MY, Csubry Z, Nuspl J, Szabó R, további szerzők x: Multi-site campaign on the open cluster M67. III. d Scuti pulsations in the blue stragglers, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL

SOCIETY 378: 1371- (2007)

Buchler JR, Szabó R: Beat Cepheids as probes of stellar and galactic metallicity, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 660: 723- (2007)

Buzzi L, Naves R, Campas M, Kadota K, Kelemen J, Marsden BG: Beat Cepheids as probes of stellar and galactic metallicity, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Casali M, Marinello W, Micheli M, Pizzetti G, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Culhane JC, Pohjolainen S, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Manoharan PK, Elliott HA: CME Sun-to-Earth propagation speeds, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 40: 1807-1814 (2007)

Culhane JC, Harra LK, Baker D, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Sun J, Doschek GA, Brooks D, Lundquist L, Kamio S, Young P, Hansteen V: Hinode EUV Study of Jets in the Sun's South Polar Corona, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 59(SP3): S751-S753 (2007)

Csizmadia Sz, Marton G, Klagyivik P, Spindler Sz: Updated catalogue of the light curve solutions of contact binary stars, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 821- (2007)

Dékány I: The double-mode RR Lyrae variable BS Com, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 833- (2007)

Démoulin P, Klein KL, Goff CP, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Culhane JL, Mandrini CH, Matthews SA, Harra LK: Decametric N-burst: a consequence of the interaction of two coronal mass ejections, SOLAR PHYSICS 240: 301-313 (2007)

van Driel-Gesztelyi L: Magnetic fields and large-scale SXR and EUV coronal structures In: ‘Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin’ (Cairo, 2006), Proceedings of IAU Symposia and Colloquia No.233 (Ed. Bothmer V, Hady AA), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 205-214

Farkas GF, Zsoldos E: The new star of 1572 and Hungary, JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY 38: 477-486 (2007)

Fu JN, Vauclair G, Solheim JE, Chevreton M, Dolez N, Paparó M, Szeidl B, további szerzők x: Asteroseismology of the PG 1159 star PG 0122+200, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 467: 237-248 (2007)

Fuchs Y, Koch Miramond L, Ábrahám P: SS433: a WR X-Ray Binary or a WR-Type Phenomenon? In: ‘Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries’, ASP Conference Series Vol.367 (Ed. St.-Louis N, Moffat AFJ), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 505-

Gajdos S, Hasubick W, Tichy M, Ticha J, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Comet C/2007 g1 (linear), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Gajdos S, Naves R, Campas M, Kelemen J, Marsden BG: Comet C/2007 JA21 (linear), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Goff CP, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P, Culhane JL, Matthews SA, Harra LK, Mandrini CH, Klein KL, Kurokawa H: A multiple flare scenario where the classic long duration event was not the source of a CME, SOLAR PHYSICS 240: 283-299 (2007)

Grandpierre A: Biological Extension of the Action Principle: Endpoint Determination beyond the Quantum Level and the Ultimate Physical Roots of Consciousness, NEUROQUANTOLOGY 5: 346-362 (2007)

Green LM, Kliem B, Török T, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Attrill G: Transient soft X-ray sigmoids and rotating erupting flux ropes, SOLAR PHYSICS 246: 365-392 (2007)

Greig T, Kadota K, Kelemen J, Skiff BA, Gibbs AR, további szerzők x: Comet P/2006 w1 (gibbs), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Gyarmathy I, Kolláth Z, Pintér A: Dark sky preserves in Hungary In: Starlight, A Common Haritage (Ed. Martín C, Jafari J), 2007, pp 177-180

Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1998, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, (2007)

Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 2000, Debrecen Photoheliographic Data, (2007)

Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A: SOHO/MDI-Debrecen Sunspot Data for the years 1996-1998, 2000-2003, 2005-2006, SOHO/MDI DEBRECEN DATA SUNSPOT CATALOGUE, (2007)

Harra LK, Crooker NU, Mandrini CH, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Dasso S, Wang JX, Elliott HA, Attrill G, Jackson BV, Bisi MM: How Does Large Flaring Activity from the Same Active Region Produce Oppositely Directed Magnetic Clouds?, SOLAR PHYSICS 244: 95-114 (2007)

Hasubick W, Kelemen J, Muler G, Marsden BG: Comet P/2007 v2 (hill), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Hasubick W, Ticha J, Tichy M, Seki T, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Comet C/2007 f1 (loneos), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Haver R, Caponnetto P, Kadota K, Gilmore AC, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Comet C/2007 m3 (linear), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Haver R, Caponnetto P, Prosperi E, Manteca J, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Holl A: Time Series Photometry Data: Standard Access, Standard Formats In: 'The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization', ASP Conference Series Vol.364 (Ed. Sterken Ch), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 99-101

Holl A: Observations and publications in the VO: is the VO only for Big Science? In: ‘Library and Information Services in Astronomy V (LISA V)’, ASP Conference Series Vol.377 (Ed. Ricketts S, Birdie Ch, Isaksson E), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 47-52

Holl A: Publications and observational data in the archive of Konkoly Observatory In: ‘Library and Information Services in Astronomy V (LISA V)’, ASP Conference Series Vol.377 (Ed. Ricketts S, Birdie Ch, Isaksson E), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 305-307

Hurta Zs, Pócs MD, Szeidl B: AD CMi, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5774): 1- (2007)

Illés-Almár E: Comet Borrelly and the two kinds of cometary sub-nuclei, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 39: 468-471 (2007)

Illés-Almár E: On the South Polar Vortex on Saturn In: ‘38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference’, No.1338 (Ed. * x), 2007, pp 1135-

Juhász A, Prusti T, Ábrahám P, Dullemond CP: Long-term infrared variability of the UX Ori-type star SV Cep, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 374: 1242- (2007)

Jurkovic M, Szabados L, Vinkó J, Csák B: Pulsation and Orbit of AU Pegasi, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 837-840 (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto], Minor Planet Circulars (58485): 39- (2007)

Kelemen J: Minor Planet Observations [561 Piszkesteto], Minor Planet Circulars (58528): 1- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (58733): 34- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (58769): 2- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (59555): 37- (2007)

Kelemen J: Minor Planet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (59585): 14- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (59811): 40- (2007)

Kelemen J: Minor Planet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (59865): 7- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (60061): 6- (2007)

Kelemen J: Comet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (60237): 29- (2007)

Kelemen J: Minor Planet Observations [561 Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (60272): 4- (2007)

Kelemen J: Minor Planet Observations [561 Piszkesteto], Minor Planet Circulars (60455): 10- (2007)

Kelemen J, Kowalski RA, Beshore EC, Boattini A, Gibbs AR, további szerzők x: Comet P/2007 t6 (catalina), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Kereszturi Á, Sik A, Horváth A, Reiss D, Jaumann R, Neukum G: Season-dependent behavior of Dark Dune Spots on Mars In: ‘38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference’, CD (Ed. * x), Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, 2007, pp #1864-

Kiss LL, Derekas A, Szabó GyM, Bedding TR, Szabados L: Defining the Instability Strip of Pulsating Post-AGB Binary Stars from ASAS and NSVS Photometry, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 375: 1338-1348 (2007)

Klagyivik P, Csizmadia Sz, Moór A, Pál A: A new variable in Cassiopeia, 'Peremennye Zvezdy' Prilozhenie (Variable Stars, Supplement) 7(5): 1- (2007)

Klagyivik P, Szabados L: Study of the Effect of Metallicity on the Amplitudes of Cepheids, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 825-828 (2007)

Kóspál Á, Ábrahám P, Prusti T, Acosta-Pulido J, Hony S, Moór A, Siebenmorgen R: The outburst of the eruptive young star OO Serpentis between 1995 and 2006, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 470: 211-219 (2007)

Kovács G, Bakos GÁ: Signal Search and Reconstruction by a Trend Filtering Algorithm In: ‘Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop’, ASP Conference Series Vol.366 (Ed. Afonso C, Weldrake D, Henning Th), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 133-

Kovács G, Bakos GÁ, Torres G, Sozzetti A, Latham DW, Noyes RW, Butler RP, Marcy GW, további szerzők x: HAT-P-4b: A Metal-rich Low-Density Transiting Hot Jupiter, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 670: L41- (2007)

Kovács G, Kupi G: Computation of the Fourier parameters of RR Lyrae stars by template fitting, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 462: 1007-1016 (2007)

Könyves V, Kiss Cs, Moór A, Tóth LV, Kiss Z: Catalogue of far-infrared loops in the Galaxy, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 463: 1227-1234 (2007)

Kővári Zs, Bartus J, Oláh K, Strassmeier KG, Rice JB, Weber M, Forgács-Dajka E: Doppler imaging of stars with Roche-geometry In: ‘Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics’, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.240 (Ed. Hartkopf WI, Guinan EF, Harmanec P), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 212-

Kővári Zs, Bartus J, Strassmeier KG, Oláh K, Weber M, Rice JB, Washuettl A: Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure - XXIII. The ellipsoidal K giant binary zeta  Andromedae, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 463: 1071- (2007)

Kővári Zs, Bartus J, Strassmeier KG, Vida K, Švanda M, Oláh K: Anti-solar differential rotation on the active K-giant sigma Geminorum, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 474: 165- (2007)

Kővári Zs, Bartus J, Švanda M, Vida K, Strassmeier KG, Oláh K, Forgács-Dajka E: Surface velocity network with anti-solar differential rotation on the active K-giant sigma Geminorum, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 1081- (2007)

Kővári Zs, Vilardell F, Ribas I, Vida K, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Jordi C, Oláh K: Optical flares from the faint mid-dM star 2MASS J00453912+4140395, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 904-908 (2007)

Kun M: The enigmatic loop III and the Local Galactic Structure In: ‘Triggered Star Formation in a Turbulent ISM’, Procedings of

IAU Symposiums No.237 (Ed. Elmegreen BG, Palous J), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 119-

Lamy PL, Tóth I, A'Hearn MF, Weaver HA, Jorda L: Rotational state of the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Results from Hubble Space Telescope observations in 2004, ICARUS 187: 132-143 (2007)

Lamy PL, Tóth I, A'Hearn MF, Weaver HA, Jorda L: Rotational state of the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1: Results from Hubble Space Telescope observations in 2004, ICARUS 191: 310-321 (2007)

Lamy PL, Tóth I, A'Hearn MF, Weaver HA, Weissman PR: Hubble Space Telescope observations of the nucleus of Comet 9P/Tempel 1, ICARUS 191: 4-10 (2007)

Lamy PL, Tóth I, Davidsson PJR, Groussin O, Gutiérrez P, Jorda L, Kaasalainen M, Lowry SC: A portrait of the Nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS 128: 23-66 (2007)

Lehky M, Casali M, Marinello W, Micheli M, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Mandrini CH, Nakwacki MS, Attrill G, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P, Dasso S, Elliott H: Are CME-Related Dimmings Always a Simple Signature of Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud Footpoints?, SOLAR PHYSICS 244: 25-43 (2007)

Manteca J, Galli G, Buzzi L, Luppi F, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Martinas K, Grandpierre A: Thermodynamic Measure for Nonequilibrium Processes, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 5: 1-13 (2007)

Melrose DB, Klimchuk JA, Benz AO, Craig IJD, Gopalswamy N, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, további szerzők x: Commission 10: Solar Activity In: ‘Reports on Astronomy 2002-2005’, IAU Transactions Vol.26A (Ed. Engvold O), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 75-88

Mkrtichian DE, Kusakin AV, Lopez de Coca P, Krisciunas K, Akan C, Malanushenko VP, Paparó M, további szerzők x: Multimode Pulsations of the Lambda Bootis Star 29 Cygni: The 1995 and 1996 Multisite Campaigns, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 134: 1713- (2007)

Naves R, Campas M, Hasubick W, Reina E, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Naves R, Campas M, Kadota K, Kelemen J, Baransky A, Marsden BG: Comet C/2007 t5 (gibbs), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Naves R, Campas M, Kelemen J, Baransky A, Marsden BG: Comet C/2007 w1 (boattini), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Naves R, Campas M, Kelemen J, Marsden BG: Comet P/2007 c1 (christensen), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Nuspl J, Borkovits T, Hegedűs T: Fourier Decomposition of O-C Diagrams In: ‘Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses’, ASP Conference Series Vol.370 (Ed. Demircan O, Selam SO, Albayrak B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 313-

O'Donovan FT, Charbonneau D, Bakos GÁ, Mandushev G, Kovács G, további szerzők x: TrES-3: A Nearby, Massive, Transiting Hot Jupiter in a 31 Hour Orbit, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 663: L37- (2007)

Oláh K: The Influence of Binarity on Stellar Activity In: ‘Binary Stars as Critical Tools & Tests in Contemporary Astrophysics’, Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No.240 (Ed. Hartkopf WI, Guinan EF, Harmanec P), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 442-452

Oláh K, Sterken C: Variable Stars and Uncalibrated Photometric Data In: 'The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization', ASP Conference Series Vol.364 (Ed. Sterken C), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 603-

Oláh K, Strassmeier KG, Granzer T, Soon W, Baliunas SL: Changing stellar activity cycles, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 1072- (2007)

Pakštienė E, Solheim JE, Handler G, Steininger B, Rodler F, Paparó M, Bognár Zs, Patterson R, Reed M: Monitoring of the cool ZZ Ceti star PG 2303+243 In: ‘Convection in Astrophysics’, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No.239 (Ed. Kupka F, Roxburgh IW, Chan KL), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 382-384

Pócs T, Horváth A, Gánti T, Bérczi Sz, Kereszturi Á, Sík A, Szathmáry E: Comparison of Surface Mineral Crusts and Cryptobiotic-Crusts: How Can They Help Life Support Mechanisms; Implications to Living Organisms on Mars In: ‘38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference’, CD (Ed. * x), Lunar and Planetary Science Institute, 2007, pp #1144-

Pohjolainen S, van Driel-Gesztelyi L, Culhane JL, Manoharan PK, Elliott HA: CME propagation characteristics from radio observations, SOLAR PHYSICS 244: 167-188 (2007)

Reina E, Kadota K, Kelemen J, Skiff BA, Bezpalko M, további szerzők x: Comet C/2006 v1 (catalina), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Sárneczky K, Moór A: Minor Planet Observations [461 University of Szeged, Piszkesteto Stn. (Konkoly)], Minor Planet Circulars (60271): 12- (2007)

Shporer A, Mazeh T, Moran A, Bakos GÁ, Kovács G: Searching for Variables in One of the WHAT Fields In: ‘Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop’, ASP Conference Series Vol.366 (Ed. Afonso C, Weldrake D, Henning Th), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007, pp 99-

Silvotti R, Schuh S, Janulis R, Solheim JE, Bernabei S, Paparó M, további szerzők

további szerzők x: A giant planet orbiting the `extreme horizontal branch' star V391 Pegasi, NATURE 449: 189- (2007)

Sódor Á: Studying Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with the 24-inch telescope of the Konkoly Observatory, ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN 328: 829- (2007)

Sódor Á, Jurcsik J, Nagy I, Váradi M, Dékány I, Vida K, Hurta Zs, további szerzők x: Multicolour CCD Photometry of Three RRab Stars, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (5793): 1- (2007)

Sódor Á, Szeidl B, Jurcsik J: The Blazhko behaviour of RR Geminorum II. – Long-term photometric results, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 469: 1033-1043 (2007)

Stello D, Bruntt H, Arentoft T, Gilliland RL, Nuspl J, Szabó R, Csubry Z, további szerzők x: Solar-like oscillations in open cluster stars In: Proceedings of the ‘Vienna Workshop on the Future of Asteroseismology’, Communications in Asteroseismology Vol.150 (Ed. Handler G, Houdek G), Austrian Acad. Sci. Press, Wien, 2007, pp 149-

Stello D, Bruntt H, Kjeldsen H, Bedding TR, Arentoft T, Gilliland RL, Nuspl J, Szabó R, Frandsen S, Csubry Z, további szerzők x: Multi-site campaign on the open cluster M67. II. Solar-like oscillations in red giant stars, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 377: 584- (2007)

Szabados L, Kiss LL, Derekas A: The Anomalous Cepheid XZ Ceti, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 461: 613-618 (2007)

Szabó R, Buchler JR, Bartee J: The Cepheid Phase Lag Revisited, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 667: 1150- (2007)

Szalai T, Kiss LL, Mészáros Sz, Vinkó J, Csizmadia Sz: Physical parameters and multiplicity of five southern close eclipsing binaries, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 465: 943- (2007)

Szathmáry E, Gánti T, Pócs T, Horváth A, Kereszturi Á, Bérczi Sz, Sík A: Life in the Dark Dune Spots of Mars: a testable hypothesis. (Chapter 13) In: Life in the Dark Dune Spots of Mars: a testable hypothesis. (Chapter 13), Cambridge Astrobiology No.3 (Ed. Pudritz R, Higgs P, Stone J), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007, pp 241-262

Sziládi K, Vinkó J, Poretti E, Szabados L, Kun M: New homogeneous iron abundances of double-mode Cepheids from high-resolution echelle spectroscopy, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS 473: 579- (2007)

Tesi L, Boattini A, Fagioli G, Mazzucato M, Dolfi F, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Tesi L, Fagioli G, Mazzucato M, Dolfi F, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Comet C/2007 w3 (linear), Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Tesi L, Fagioli G, Mazzucato M, Dolfi F, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Tichy M, Jelinek H, Ticha J, Lechky M, Kelemen J, további szerzők x: Observations of Comets, Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, (2007)

Torres G, Bakos GÁ, Kovács G, Latham DW, Fernandez JM, Noyes RW, további szerzők x: HAT-P-3b: A Heavy-Element-rich Planet Transiting a K Dwarf Star, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 666: L121- (2007)

Trigo-Rodríguez JM, Ábrahám P, Konkoly A, Barrena R, Montanes-Rodriguez P, Núñez M, további szerzők x: Comet 17P/Holmes, Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams (1118): (2007)

de Ugarte Postigo A, Castro-Tirado AJ, Benkő JM, de la Nuez A: GRB 070531: I-band observations from IAC80, GCN Circular (6478): (2007)

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