HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont
Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet

CSKI publikációk 2001

1. Abe M, Ohba Y, Ishibashi Y, Doressoundiram A, Hicks MD, Tholen DJ, Tóth I, Weissman P: Analysis of light variation in Near-Earth Asteroid 10302 1989 ML. Abstract No.V.1, In: Asteroids 2001: From Piazzi to the 3rd Millennium, 11-16 June 2001, Palermo, Conf. Abstracts, 2001, pp 213
2. Almár I: Space civilisation and its increasing vulnerability to cosmic effects, EARTH SPACE REVIEW, 10(1), 85-89 (2001)
3. Almár I: Are we alone? The SETI program, In: The Bridge Between the Big Bang and Biology. in: CNR President Bureau Spec. Vol. (Ed. Giovannelli F), CNR President Bureau, Rome, 2001, pp 401-105
4. Almár I, Illés-Almár E: On circumstellar habitable zones, In: The Bridge Between the Big Bang and Biology. in: CNR President Bureau Spec. Vol. (Ed. Giovannelli F), CNR President Bureau, Rome, 2001, pp 356-361
5. Bagoly Z, Csabai I, Mészáros A, Horváth I, Vavrek R, Balázs LG: On the Spectra of the Gamma-Ray Bursts, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000. in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp 37
6. Bakos GÁ: RTLinux driven HAT for All Sky Monitoring, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global scales (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 59
7. Bakos GÁ: Hungarian Automated Telescope, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 107
8. Balázs LG: Marginal Notes for a Centenary, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 3-20
9. Baranyi T, Győri L, Ludmány A, Coffey HE: Comparison of sunspot area data bases, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 323, 223-230 (2001)
10. Beaulieu J, Buchler J, Kolláth Z: Cepheid Mass-Luminosity Relations from the Magellanic Clouds, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 373, 164-172 (2001)
11. Benkő JM: Advantages and drawbacks of the ISM method in globular cluster photometry, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global scales (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 329-330
12. Buchler J, Kolláth Z: Nonlinear Analysis of Irregular Variables, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 185-213
13. Buchler J, Kolláth Z: Strange Cepheids and RR Lyrae, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 555, 961-966 (2001)
14. Csizmadia Sz: V842 Herculis: a W UMa star with constant period, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5191), (2001)
15. Csizmadia Sz, Borkovits T: Improved Ephemeris of AQ Com, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5095), (2001)
16. Csizmadia Sz, Molnár A: The W UMa star V861 Herculis, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, 2001, pp 11-16
17. Csizmadia Sz, Sándor Zs: V404 Lyrae in the Field of the Old Galactic Cluster NGC 6791, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5045), (2001)
18. vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Démoulin P, Ireland J, Thompson BJ, Fludra A, Oláh K, Kővári Zs, Harra LK, Mandrini CH, Bocchialini K, Orlando S: An observational test for solar atmospheric heating, In: Proceedings of 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions', in: IAU Symp. No.203, (Eds Brekke P, Fleck B, Gurman JB), IAU, 2001, pp 514-516
19. vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Schmieder B, Poedts S: Magnetic build-up and precursors of CMEs, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001,
20. Frandsen S, Pigulski A, Nuspl J, Benkő JM, Barcza Sz, Szabó R, 21 *: Delta Scuti stars in Praesepe. I. The STACC 1998 campain - the photometry, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 376, 175-187 (2001)
21. Grandpierre A: Variations of Core Luminosity and the Solar Neutrino Fluxes, In: Proceedings of 5th Intern. Topical Workshop at LNGS on 'Solar Neutrinos and Oscillations: Where Are the Oscillations', INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, March 12-14, 2001, (Eds Berezinsky V, Vissani F), 2001, pp 487
22. Grandpierre A: Measurements of collective and social fields of consciousness, WORLD FUTURES, 57, 85-94 (2001)
23. Green LM, López-Fuentes MC, Démoulin P, Mandrini CH, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: Longterm helicity evolution of NOAA active region 8100, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001,
24. Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A, Gerlei O, Csepura G: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1988, In: Publications of Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, Heliogaphic Series No.12, Debrecen Heliophysical Observatory, 2001, pp 1-60
25. Győri L, Baranyi T, Ludmány A, Gerlei O, Csepura G: Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1996, *, ftp://fenyi/ (2001)
26. Holl A, Sterken C(eds): Information Bulletin on Variable Stars. CD-ROM Vol.2, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, 2001, p. 1 CD-ROM
27. Horváth A, Almár I, Illés-Almár E, Szabó A: Comparison of the surface grooves on Gaspra and Phobos, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 27(8), 1489-1492 (2001)
28. Horváth A, Gánti T, Gesztesi A, Bérczi Sz, Szathmáry E: Probable Evidences of Recent Biological Activity on Mars: Appearance and Growing of Dark Dune Spots in the South Polar Region, In: Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII. (CD-ROM), 2001,
29. Horváth I, Balázs LG, Mészáros P, Bagoly Zs, Mészáros A: A Gamma-Ray Bursts' Fluence-Duration Correlation, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings of Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000. in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001,
30. Illés-Almár E: SL9-like impact-traces on Jupiter? Observations in Hungary at the end of the XIX. century, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 75-84
31. Illés-Almár E, Almár I, Bencze P, Laneve G: Wave-like variations and sudden density decreases in the lower thermosphere as measured by the San Marco V satellite, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, 26(4), 275-280 (2001)
32. Jurcsik J: Blazhko cycles in omega Centauri RRab stars, In: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales. (IAU Coll. 183) in: ASP Conference Series Vol.246, (Eds Chen WP, Lemme C, Paczynski B), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 217
33. Jurcsik J, Clement C, Geyer EH, Domsa I: Period changes in omega Centauri RR Lyrae stars, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 121, 951 (2001)
34. Kálmán B: Submergence of magnetic flux in interaction of sunspot groups, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 371, 731-737 (2001)
35. Kawamura A, Kun M, Onishi T, Vavrek R, Domsa I, Mizuno A, Fukui Y: Study of L688/L694/L700: A Complex of Dark Clouds in Aquila, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 53, 1097-1108 (2001)
36. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.41837), (2001)
37. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.42034), (2001)
38. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.42456), (2001)
39. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43117), (2001)
40. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43269), (2001)
41. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43460), (2001)
42. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43813), (2001)
43. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43814), (2001)
44. Kelemen J: *, MINOR PLANET CIRCULAR, (No.43849), (2001)
45. Kiss Cs, Ábrahám P: Zodiacal light disk around Sirius? In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 59
46. Kiss Cs, Ábrahám P, Klaas U, Juvela M, Lemke D: Sky confusion noise in the far-infrared - Cirrus, Galaxies and the Extragalactic Background, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 379, 1611 (2001)
47. Koch Miramond L, Bonnet-Bidaud J-M, Ábrahám P, Claret A: Observations of Cygnus X-3 in Quiescence in the 2.4 - 12 micron Range with ISO, In: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop 'Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei', (Eds Kaper L, van den Heuvel EPJ, Woudt PA), 2001, pp 137
48. Kolláth Z: Fényszennyezés és világítástechnika, ELEKTROTECHNIKA, 94(5), 183-186 (2001)
49. Kolláth Z, Buchler J: Double Mode Stellar Pulsations, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 29-60
50. Kov'cs G: The Multiperiodic Behavior of RR Lyrae Stars, In: Nonlinear Studies of Stellar Pulsation. in: Astrophysics & Space Sci. Library (ASSL) Series, Vol.257, (Eds Takeuti M, Sasselov DD), 2001, pp 61-101
51. Kovács G: On the Double-Mode RR Lyrae Variables of the Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 375, 469-475 (2001)
52. Kovács G, Walker AR: Erratum: 'Empirical Relations for Cluster RR Lyrae Stars Revisited', A&A, 371, 579-591, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 374, 264 (2001)
53. Kővári Zs, Pagano I, Neff J, Rodono M, Walter F: UV Spectral Image of AR Lac in Oct 1994, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-1262
54. Kővári Zs, Strassmeier KG, Bartus J, Washuettl A, Weber M, Rice JB: Doppler imaging of stellar surface structure - XVI. A time-series analysis of the moderately-rotating K1-giant sigma Geminorum, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 373, 199 (2001)
55. Kun M, Aoyama H, Yoshikawa N, Kawamura A, Yonekura Y, Onishi T, Fukui Y: Study of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation in the Region of IC 2118, PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 53, 1063-1070 (2001)
56. Lamy PL, Tóth I, Weaver HA: Properties of the nucleus of comet 19P/Borrelly from the Hubble Space Telescope 1994 observations, In: 'DS1 - Comet Borrelly' Workshop, DPS 33, Nov. 26, 2001, New Orleans, LA. 2001,
57. Lamy PL, Tóth I, Weaver HA, Delahodde CE, Jorda L, A'Hearn MF: The nucleus of 10 short-period comets. Abstract [31.01], BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 33, 1093 (2001)
58. Laureijs RJ, Klaas U, Richards PJ, Schulz B, Ábrahám P: The ISO Handbook Vol. V.: PHT - The Imaging Photo-Polarimeter. ESA SAI-99-069/Dc, Version 1.2, *, (2001)
59. Leinert Ch, Haas M, Ábrahám P, Richichi A: Halos around Herbig Ae/Be stars - more common than for the less massive T Tauri stars, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 375, 927 (2001)
60. Ludmány A, Baranyi T: Comparative study of the atmospheric effects driven by irradiance vs. corpuscular radiation, In: Proceedings of Euroconference: 'The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate', Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Sep. 25-30 2000, ESA SP-463, European Space Agency, 2001, pp 141-144
61. Mandrini CH, Démoulin P, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Thompson B, Plunkett S, Kővári Zs, Aulanier G: Magnetic evolution of a Long-lived Active Region: The Sources of Magnetic Helicity, In: Magnetic Field across the H-R Diagram. Santiago de Chile, Jan 15-19, 2001, ASP Conference Series, Vol.248, (Eds Mathys G, Solanki SK, Wickramasinghe DT), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 139
62. Mandrini CH, López-Fuentes MC, Démoulin P, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: The distribution of peculiar active regions along two solar cycles, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European Space Agency, 2001,
63. Mészáros A, Bagoly Zs, Balázs LG, Horváth I, Vavrek R: Probing the Isotropy in the Sky Distribution of the Gamma-Ray Bursts, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings of Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000, in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp 47
64. Mikulecky M, Rozsa S, Grandpierre A, Kardon L: Sedem rokov dopravnych nehod v Madarsku: chronokozmobiometricka studia. (Seven years traffic accidents in Hungary: the chronocosmobiometric study), In: Sbornik referatu 'Clovek ve svem pozemskem a kosmickem prostredi'. (Proceedings of Conf. 'Man in his terrestrial and cosmical environment'), Upice, Slovakia, 22.-24. May 2001, 2001, pp 175-180
65. Nikolic S, Kiss Cs, Johansson LEB, Wouterloot JAG, Tóth LV: L1274: a multiwavelength study of a dark cloud in the Cep-Cas void, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 367, 694-704 (2001)
66. Oláh K, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: Flux ratios of solar and stellar active regions, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-709-CD-714
67. Oláh K, Strassmeier KG: The multiple periods and spot temperatures of V833 Tau, In: Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, Proceedings of the 11th Cambridge Workshop, Tenerife, 4-8 Oct, 1999. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.223, (Eds Garcia Lopez RJ, Rebolo R, Zapatero Osorio MR), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp CD-1030-CD-1035
68. Oláh K, Strassmeier KG, Kővári Zs, Guinan EF: Time-series photometric spot modeling IV. The multi-periodic K5Ve binary V833 Tauri, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 372, 119-129 (2001)
69. Pagano I, Rodono M, Linsky JL, Neff JE, Walter FM, Kővári Zs, Matthews LD: Spectral imaging maps of AR Lacertae - I. Results from IUE observations in 1994 October, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 365, 128 (2001)
70. Patkós L: Middle-European Astronomy: one hundred years later, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 85-88
71. Pócs MD: Period changes of Delta Scuti star AE Uma, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 89
72. Pócs MD, Rea RD, Szeidl B: GSC 8527-373: a Multimode Delta Scuti Star, INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS, (No.5162), (2001)
73. Pócs MD, Szeidl B: Stability of pulsation of the double-mode high-amplitude delta Scuti star AE Ursae Majoris, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 368, 880 (2001)
74. Poedts S, van der Holst B, De Sterck H, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Csík Á, Milesi A, Deconinck H: Numerical modelling of CME initiation and propagation, In: Proceedings of SOLSPA-2001 Euroconference 'Solar Cycle and Space Weather', 24-29 Sep. 2001, Vico Equense (Italy), ESA SP-477, European SpaceAgency, 2001,
75. Sándor Zs, Balla R, Téger F, Érdi B: Short Time Lyapunov Indicaors, in the Restricted Tree-Body Problem, CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY, 79, 29-40 (2001)
76. Sándor Zs, Érdi B, Efthymiopulos C: The Phase Space Structure around L4 and the Restricted Three-Body Problem, CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY, 78, 113-123 (2001)
77. Schmieder B, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L, Delannée C, Simnett G, Wiik JE: The relationship between CMEs and prominence eruption from SOHO and Tenerife observations, In: Proceedings of 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions', in: IAU Symp. No.203, (Eds Brekke P, Fleck B, Gurman JB), IAU, 2001, pp 310-313
78. Serényi M, Ráz M, Lohner T: Refractive index of sputtered silicon oxynitride layers for antireflection coating, VACUUM, 61, 245-249 (2001)
79. Strassmeier KG, Kővári Zs, Washuettl A, Weber M, Rice JB, Bartus J: Tracing Spot Evolution on the Moderately-rotating sigma Geminorum, In: 12th Cambridge Workshop on 'Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun', July 30-Aug 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, 2001,
80. Szabó R, Csubry Z: Modeling of RR Lyrae instability strips, In: Proceedings of National Postgraduate Reunion in Astronomy & Astrophysics. in: Publ. Astronomical Dept. of the Eötvös Loránd University, No.11, (Eds Forgács-Dajka E, Sándor Zs), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2001, pp 101-106
81. Szabó R, Kolláth Z, Csubry Z: Numerical modeling of double-mode RR Lyrae stars, In: PhD Conference 1999, Baja-Madrid, (Eds Wilson RE, Hegedűs T, Borkovits T, Gimenez A), 2001, pp 105-108
82. Szabó R, Kolláth Z, Csubry Z, Buchler JR: Timescales and transitions during stellar pulsation and evolution, In: Astrophysical Ages and Time Scales. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.245, (Eds von Hippel T, Manset M, Simpson C), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 373-375
83. Szeidl B: The small period change of the delta Scuti star AE UMa, COMMUNICATIONS IN ASTROSEISMOLOGY, 14, 56 (2001)
84. Szeidl B, Jurcsik J, Benkő JM, Bakos GÁ: XZ Dra: observations spanning 70 years, COMMUNICATIONS OF KONKOLY OBSERVATORY, 13(No.101), 1-69 (2001)
85. Szeidl B, Oláh K, Barlai K, Szabados L: Photometry of RW Draconis at Konkoly Observatory, COMMUNICATIONS OF KONKOLY OBSERVATORY, 13(No.102), 1-60 (2001)
86. Tóth I: Impact-triggered breakup of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR): Identification of the closest intersecting orbits of other small bodies with its orbit, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 368, L 25-L 28 (2001)
87. Tóth I: CCD imaging observations of the comae of nucleus fragments of the splitted comet Evans-Drinkwater (C/1996 J1). Abstract [20.07], BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 33, 1075 (2001)
88. Tóth I: What can we learn from the Davidsson-diagram? Tensile strength and bulk density constraints for asteroids and cometary nuclei. Abstract No.VIII.11, In: Asteroids 2001: From Piazzi to the 3rd Millennium. 11-16 June 2001, Palermo, Conference Abstracts, 2001, pp 313
89. Vargha D-né: Konkoly Thege Miklós magyar nyelvű írásai, MAGYAR TUDOMÁNY, 867-880 (2001)
90. Vargha D-né: Zách János Ferenc szerepe Lipszky Magyarország Térképének megszületésében, In: A magyar térképészet nagyjai, Orsz. Széchenyi Könyvtár, Budapest, 2001, pp 62-73
91. Vargha D-né: Hell Miksa, In: Magyar Géniusz, ? Budapest, 2001, pp 24-25
92. Vargha D-né: Konkoly Thege Miklós, In: Magyar Géniusz, ? Budapest, 2001, pp 138-140
93. Vargha D-né(ed.): A Konkoly Obszervatórium krónikája. in: Konkoly Observatory Monographs No.3/A, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, 2001, p. 159
94. Vargha M: Astronomy giants from the turn of the century, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 21-37
95. Vavrek R, Balázs LG, Mészáros A, Horváth I, Bagoly Z: Multiscale Statistical Methods and the Angular Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts, In: Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era. Proceedings Intern. Workshop, Rome, Italy, 17-20 October 2000. in: ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series, (Eds Costa E, Frontera F, Hjorth J), Springer, Berlin, 2001, pp 249
96. Vinkó J, Csák B, Csizmadia Sz, Fűrész G, Kiss LL, Sárneczky K, Szabó Gy, Sziládi K, Bíró IB: Distance to the Active Galaxy NGC 6951 via the Type Ia Supernova 2000E, ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 372, 824 (2001)
97. Vinkó J, Kiss LL, Csák B, Fűrész G, Szabó R, Thomson JR, Mochnacki SW: The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 1999by: Spectroscopy at Early Epochs, ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 121, 3127 (2001)
98. Weaver HA, Sekanina Z, Tóth I, 21 szerző *: HST and VLT investigations of the fragments of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), SCIENCE, 292(5520), 1329-1333 (2001)
99. Zsoldos E: Friedrich Schwab: Variable Stars and Bugs in Transylvania, In: Homage to Miklós Konkoly Thege. in: 100 years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics, (Eds Sterken C, Hearnshaw J), Universitaire Stichting van Belgie, Brussels, 2001, pp 65-73
100. López-Fuentes M, Mandrini CH, Démoulin P, vanDriel-Gesztelyi L: Long term evolution of active regions, In: Magnetic Field across the H-R Diagram. Santiago de Chile, Chile, Jan 15-19 2001. in: ASP Conference Series Vol.248, (Eds Mathys G, Solanki SK, Wickramasinghe DT), Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001, pp 131-134