HUN-REN Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont
Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézet

CSKI publikációk 1999

1. Ábrahám P.: 1999, "Interplanetary dust as seen in the zodiacal light with ISO", in: 'Solid Interstellar Matter: The ISO Revolution' Proceedings, Les Houches No 11, eds.: L. d'Hendecourt, C. Joblin, A. Jones, EDP Sciences, Les Ullis, p.3
2. Ábrahám P., Burkert, A., Leinert, Ch., Lemke, D., Henning, Th.: 1999, "Far-infrared mapping of Herbig Ae/Be stars with ISOPHOT", in: Proc. of the conf. 'The Universe as seen by ISO', ESA SP-427, pp.265-268
3. Ábrahám P., Leinert, Ch., Burkert, A., Lemke, D., Henning, Th.: 1999, "Search for cool circumstellar matter in the Ursae Majoris Group with ISO", in: Proc. of the conf. 'The Universe as seen by ISO', ESA SP-427, pp.261-264
4. Ábrahám P., Leinert, Ch., Acosta-pulido, J., Schmidtobreick, L., Lemke, D.: 1999, "Zodiacal Ligth observations with ISOPHOT", in: Proc. of the conf. 'The Universe as seen by ISO', ESA SP- 427, pp.145-148
5. Ábrahám P., Leinert, Ch., Acosta-pulido, J., Lemke, D.: 1999, "The mid-infrared spectrum of the zodiacal light observed with ISOPHOT", BAAS DPS meeting No.31, No.59.41
6. Almár I., Illés-Almár E., Bencze P., Laneve, G.: 1999, "Investigation of the Variation of the Neutral Density Wave Pattern on the Basis of San Marco V Data", Adv. Space Res. 24, No.11, 1605-1608
7. Andronov, I.L., Arai, K., ..., Patkós L. et al.: 1997, "Cycles and periods in cataclysmic variable TT ARIETIS", in: Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM-97. 6th European and 3rd Hellenic Astronomical Conf. 1997, Abstract, p.103
8. Andronov, I.L., Arai, K., ..., Patkós L. et al.: 1997, "Negative Superhumps and Red Noise in the Cataclysmic Binary TT Arietis: The International Campaign 'TT Ari-94' ", Odessa Astr. Publ. Vol.10, p.10
9. Andronov, I.L., Arai, K., ..., Patkós L. et al.: 1999, "A Search for periodic and Quasi-Periodic Photometric Behavior in the Cataclysmic Variable TT Arietis", Astron. J., 117, 574-586
10. Aulanier, G., Démoulin, P., Mein, N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein, P., Schmieder, B.: 1999, "3-D magnetic configuration supporting prominences III. Evolution of fine structures observed in a filament channel", A&A, 342, 867-880
11. Aulanier, G., Schmieder, B., Kucera, T., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Démoulin, P., Mein, N., Vial, J.-C., Mein, P.: 1999, "The role of 'magnetic dips' and 'bold patches' for a filament observed by SOHO and GBO", in: Proc. 3rd ASPE: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, eds.: B. Schmieder, A. Hofmann, J. Staude, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.184, pp.291-295
12. Aulanier, G., Schmieder, B., Démoulin, P., Mein, N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mein, P., Vial, J.-C., DeForest, C.: 1998, "3-D Modelling of a Filament Observed in Halpha and with SOHO", in: Proc. 'A Crossroads for European Solar and Heliospheric Physics: Recent Achivements and Future Mission Possibilities', eds.: R.A. Harris, F. Moreno-Insertis, E.R. Priest, ESA Publ. SP-417, pp.217-220
13. Balla R., Sándor Zs.: 1999, "Short time Lyapounov indicators in the case of a Sun-Jupiter-Saturn- asteroid system", Bulletin of American Astron. Soc., 31, 1092
14. Balázs L.G., Berend Z., Hron, J., Kerschbaum, F.: 1998, "Maximum likelihood estimation of scale height of the galactic disc", in: 'Dynamics of Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei', Intern. Workshop of the SFB 328 'Evolution of Galaxies' held at the ITA November 03-05, 1997, eds.: W.J. Duschl, Ch. Einsel, p.113
15. Balázs L.G., Mészáros A., Horváth I., Vavrek R.: 1999, "An intrinsic anisotropy in the angular distribution of gamma-ray bursts", A&A, 138, 417-418
16. Barlai K.: 1998, "Remarks on the orientation of the Kána monastery", Memorie della Soc. Astr. Italiana, No.3
17. Berdnikov, L.N., Szabados L.: 1998, "Study of Neglected Variable Stars Classified as Type II Cepheids", Acta Astronomica, 48, 763-774
18. Bleybel, A., Amari, T., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Leka, K.D.: 1999, "Non-linear Force-Free Reconstruction of a Flaring Active Region", in: Proc. 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, 'Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes', Florence, Italy, 13-17 September 1999, ESA SP- 448, pp.709-714
19. Breger, M., Handler, G., Garrido, R., Audard, N., Zima, W., Paparó M. et al.: 1999, "30+frequencies for the delta Scuti variable 4 Canum Venaticorum: results of the 1996 multisite campaign", A&A, 349, 225-235
20. Buchler, J.R., Yecko, P., Kolláth Z., Goupil, M.J.: 1999, "Turbulent Convection in Pulsating Stars", in: 'Theory and Tests of Convection in Stellar Structure', eds.: A. Gimenez, E.F. Guinan, B. Montesinos, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.173, pp.141-156
21. Bumba, V., Klvaňa, M. Kálmán B., Rompolt, B, Rudawy, P.: 1998, "Chromospheric activity above changing photospheric magnetic and velocity fields of developing active regions", in: Proc. 2nd ASPE meeting 'Three-dimensional structure of solar active regions', eds.: C.E. Alissandrakis, B. Schmieder, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.155, pp.224-228
22. Dezső L., Kovács Á.: 1998, "Sunspot Motion and Flare Occurrences", in: XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics: Conf. Proceedings. eds.: B. Rompolt, J. Jakimiec, P. Heinzel, Publ. Astr. Inst. Acad. Sci. of the Czech Republik No.88., Ondřejov, pp.17-20
23. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Mandrini, C.H., Thompson, B., Plunkett, S., Aulanier, G., Démoulin, P., Schmieder, B., DeForest, C.: 1999, "Long-term Magnetic Evolution of an AR and its CME activity", in: Proc. 3rd ASPE: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations, eds.: B. Schmieder, A. Hofmann, J. Staude, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.184, pp.302-306
24. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Martínez-Pillet, V.: 1999, "Working Group 1: Magnetic Field Structuring", in: Proc. SOHO-8 Workshop 'Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona', Paris, France, 22-25 June 1999, ESA SP-446, pp.71-74
25. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Thompson, B., Démoulin, P., Orlando, S., Bocchialini, K., Oláh K., Kővári, Z., DeForest, C., Khan, J., Fludra, A., Mandrini, C.: 1999, "Long-term evolution of the emissivity and heating in a solar active region", in: Proc. SOHO-8 Workshop 'Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona', Paris, France, 22-25 June 1999, ESA SP-446, pp.663-668
26. van Driel-Gesztelyi L.: 1999, "On the topology of magnetic reconnection in solar flares - constrains from multi-wavelength observations", in: Proc. 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, 'Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes', Florence, Italy, 13-17 September 1999, ESA SP- 448, pp.901-906
27. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Jankovics I., Kovács J., Schmieder, B., Vincze I.J.: 1999, "The total eclipse experience in Hungary", in: Proc. 9th European Meeting on Solar Physics, 'Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes', Florence, Italy, 13-17 September 1999, ESA SP-448, pp.1297-1299
28. van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Thompson, B., Démoulin, P., Orlando, S., Bocchialini, K., Oláh K., Kővári Z., DeForest, C., Khan, J., Fludra, A., Mandrini, C.: 1999, "Long-term evolution of the emissivity and heating in a solar active region", Proc. SOHO-8, ESA-SP 446, pp.663-668
29. Epchtein, N., ..., Balázs L.G., ..., Holl A. et al.: 1999, "A preliminary database of DENIS point sources", A&A, 349, 236-242
30. Evans, N.R., Carpenter, K., Robinson, R., Massa, D., Wahlgren, G.M., Vinkó J., Szabados L.: 1999, "Toward an Orbit for the High-Luminosity Cepheid T Monocerotis", ApJ, 524, 379-393
31. Grandpierre A.: 1998/1999, "The dynamic energy source of the Sun and the duplicity of the stellar energy production", Astrophys. Space Sci., 258, 177-184
32. Grandpierre A.: 1999, "A dynamic solar core model: on activity-related changes of the neutrino fluxes", A&A, 348, 993-999
33. Grandpierre A.: 1999, "The Nature of Man-Universe Connections", Noetic Journal, 2, No.1, 52-66
34. Győri L., Baranyi T., Csepura G., Gerlei O., Ludmány A.: 1999, "Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for the year 1986 with image supplements", The Journal of Astron. Data, 4, 2
35. Győri L., Baranyi T., Csepura G., Gerlei O., Ludmány A.: 1999, "Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1993", elektr. publ.:
36. Győri L., Baranyi T., Gerlei O., Ludmány A.: 1999, "Debrecen Photoheliographic Data for 1993", elektr. publ.:
37. Ishibashi, Y., M. Abe, Y. Takagi, S. Hasegawa, S. Yokogawa, I. Tóth, A. Fujiwara, 1999. Ground-based observations of Nereus and 1989 ML: target candidates for Near-Earth Asteroid missions. In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999 (ACM VIIth). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Abstract 14.36-P.
38. Jorda, L., P. Lamy, I. Tóth, M.F. A'Hearn, 1999. Properties of the nucleus of short-period comets from ISO observations. In: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999 (ACM VIIth). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. Abstract 15.03.
39. Jurcsik J., Montesinos, B.: 1998, "The Remarkable Evolution of the Post-AGB Star FG Sge", in: 'Stellar Evolution in Real Time' Proc. of the XXIII General Assembly, JD 8, eds.: E.F. Guinan, R.H. Koch, New Astronomy Reviews, Vol.43, p.415
40. Jurcsik J., Kovács G.: 1998, "The [Fe/H] Dependence of the Physical Parameters of RRab Stars - a Semi-Empirical Approach", in: 'Stellar Evolution in Real Time' Proc. of the XXIII General Assembly, JD 8, eds.: E.F. Guinan, R.H. Koch, New Astronomy Reviews, Vol.43, p.463
41. Kálmán B.: 1998, "Solar Magnetic Fields: Models and Observations", Heavy Ion Physics, 8, 247- 258
42. Kálmán B.: 1999, "Konkoly Thege's researches in solar physics II. Some letters written to him by Spörer and other prominent astronomers of the time", Konkoly Observatory Monographs 3, pp.45-46
43. Karlický, M., Démoulin, P., Aulanier, G., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Hénoux, J.-C., Jiřička, K.: 1999, in: JOSO Annual Report '98, eds.: A. Antalová, H. Balthasar, A. Kučera, 1-2'' Astron. Inst. Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia, pp.97-98
44. Kelemen J.: 1999, "Minor planet astrometry", M.P.C. 33414 M.P.C. 34104 M.P.C. 34403 M.P.C. 35524 M.P.C. 35537 M.P.C. 35785 M.P.C. 36155 M.P.C. 36162 M.P.C. 36163 M.P.C. 36164
45. Kelemen J.: 1999, "Observation of faint comets at the Konkoly Observatory", DPS '99, Poster 16.03
46. Kovács G., Walker, A.R.: 1999, "A Detailed Analysis of Double-Mode RR Lyrae Stars: Further Support for a Brighter Luminosity Scale", ApJ, 512, 271-281
47. Kővári Zs.: 1999, "Long-term spot activity on both components of BY Draconis", in: 'Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences', eds.: C.J. Butler, J.G. Doyle, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.158, pp.166-169
48. Lamy, P., Tóth I., A'Hearn, M.F., Weaver, H.A.: 1999, "Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the nucleus of comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova and its inner coma", Icarus, 140, 424-438
49. Lamy, P., Jorda, L., Tóth I., Groussin, O., A'Hearn, M.F., Weaver, H.A.: 1999, "Characterization of the nucleus of comet Hale-Bopp from HST and ISO observations", in: Annual Meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciendes (DPS 31th), Padua, Italy, Abstract 27.03.
50. Lister, T.A., Collier Cameron, A., Bartus J.: 1999, "Doppler imaging of BD+22°4409 (LO Peg) using least-squares deconvolution", MNRAS, 307, 685
51. Ludmány A., Baranyi T., Mező G.: 1999, "Study of the fragmentation of solar active regions", in: JOSO Annual Report 1998, pp.99-100
52. Mkrtichian, D.E., Kusakin, A.V., Malanushenko, V.P., Paparó M. et al.: 1999, "1996 multisite photometric and spectral campaign on the lambda Boo 29 Cyg", in: Proc. of the 26th Meeting and Workshop of the European Working Group on CP Stars, eds.: P. North, A. Schnell, J. Ziznovsky, Contr. of the Astronomical Obs. Skalnaté Pleso, Vol.27, pp.476-478
53. Nitta, N., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Harra-Murnion, L.K.: 1999, "Loop Geometry of Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260 Loop Geometry", Solar Phys., 189, 181-198 1.663)
54. Oláh K., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Kővári Zs., Bartus J.: 1999, "What can we learn from modelling the Sun as a star?", in: Solar and Stellar Activity - Similarities and Differences, in memory of Brendan Byrne, eds.: J.G. Doyle, C.J. Butler, M.E. Bailey, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.158, pp.170-173
55. Oláh K., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Kővári Zs., Bartus J.: 1999, "Modelling the Sun as an active star - I. A diagnosis of photometric starspot models", A&A, 344, 163-171 1.630)
56. Oláh K.: 1999, "Modelling photospheres of active stars- what can we learn from photometric starspot modelling?", in: 'Variable stars as essential astrophysical tools', NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, ed.: C. Ibanoglu, Vol.544, p.671 (invited review)
57. Oláh K., Kolláth Z.: 1999, "Rotation and Cycle Lengths of Active Stars", in: 'Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differences', eds.: C.J. Butler, J.G. Doyle, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.158, pp.174-177
58. Orlando, S., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Thompson, B., Khan, J., Foing, B.H.: 1999, "Flares and Large Scale Evolution of a Solar active region observed in 1996 by GOES, SOHO, and Yohkoh: Implications for X-Ray Stellar Variability", in: 'Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical Tools', NATO Science Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, ed.: C. Ibanoglu, Vol.544, pp.783-797
59. Petrovay K., Martínez-Pillet, V., van Driel-Gesztelyi L.: 1999, "Making Sense of Sunspot Decay II.: Deviations from the Mean Law and Plage Effects", Solar Phys., 188, 315-330
60. Rudawy, P., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Cader-Sroka, B., Mein, P., Mein, N., Schmieder, B., Malherbe, J-M., Rompolt, B.: 1999, "Analysis of NOAA 7912 Active Region on 19 October 1995", A&A Suppl. Ser., 139, 89-96
61. Schmieder, B., van Driel-Gesztelyi L., Hénoux, J.-C.: 1998, "A study of activity in interacting sunspot groups", in: Proc. of the XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics, eds.: B. Rompolt, J. Jakimiec, P. Heinzel, Publ. Astron. Inst. Acad. Sci. of the Czech Republic, No.88, pp.13-16
62. Szabados L.: 1998, "Suggestion to Revise the Hipparcos-Parallax of Cepheids Belonging to Binary Systems", in: Highlights of Astronomy, Vol.11A, ed.: J. Andersen, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p.580
63. Szabados L.: 1999, "Importance of Precise Radial Velocities for Cepheid Binaries", in: 'Precise Stellar Radial Velocities', eds.: J.B. Hearnshaw, C.D. Scarfe, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol.185, pp.211-217
64. Szabó R.: 1999, "New variable stars in NGC 7762", Inf. Bull. Var. Stars 4700, Budapest
65. Szabó R.: 1999, "Supernovae 1998S, 1999Z, 1999aa, 1999ac, 1999an, 1999be", IAU Circ. 7185
66. Szabó R.: 1999, "Supernovae", IAU Circ. 7193
67. Szabó R.: 1999, "Supernovae 1999cd and 1999cf", IAU Circ. 7196
68. Tóth I.: 1999, "On he detectability of satellites of small bodies orbiting the Sun in the inner region of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt", Icarus, 141, 420-425
69. Tóth I., Lamy, P., Jorda, L., Weaver, H.A.: 1999, "The properties of the nucleus of comet Hale- Bopp from Hubble Space Telescope observations", in: Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1999 (ACM VIIth), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, Abstract 05.12.
70. Vargha M., Kolláth Z.: 1999, "The first century of Konkoly Observatory", Astronomy and Geophysics, 40, 17-20
71. Víkor Gy., Tóth L., Ricz, S.: 1999, "Anomalus behavior of isotropic Ne Auger-line intensity in matching velocity region of proton projectile", Contributed Paper, 21st International Conf. on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Sendai, Japan
72. Watanabe, T. Kosugi, T., Sterling, A.C., van Driel-Gesztelyi L.: 1999, "Book Review Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond", Solar Phys., 184, 423
73. Zerbi, F.M., Rodríguez, E., ..., Paparó M., Nuspl J., Guerrero, G.: 1999, "The gamma Dor variable HR 8799: results from a multi-site campaign", Monthly Not. RAS, 303, 275-283
74. Zsoldos E.: 1998, "Evolutionary Changes in Luminous Stars", in: Highlights of Astronomy Vol.11A, ed.: J. Andersen, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p.346
75. Zsoldos E., Lévai Zs.: 1999, "Novae' over Kiskartal", Journal for the History of Astronomy, 30, 225-230