Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                                IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                              T. HERCZEG
                         Hamburg - Bergedorf 
                        (Read by W. Seitter)

  Orbital motion in binary systems was considered, for a long time, a true 
paradigm of periodic phenomena. Even its occasional changes were 
supposed to be of strictly regular, i.e. periodic nature like rotation 
of the apsidal line or light time effects in multiple systems. 
Exceptional objects like beta Lyrae, with a secular increase of the period, 
could have been recognized as cases still showing some regular, 
predictable character. Later on, however, after longer series of 
observations became available, a sort of eclipsing systems (like XZ And) 
were found showing obviously non-periodic changes of the period: an 
erratic but continuous up and down in the O-C diagrams for the times of 
minima. Other well observed photometric binaries exhibited a different 
type of non-periodic changes: the eclipsing period was, from time to 
time, subject to sharp sudden changes ("jumps") while between two 
consecutive jumps it remained practically constant. AR Lacertae or AH 
Virginis are important examples of this type.
  Schneller (1962) in a lecture at the Budapest Observatory advocated his 
thesis that, while "regular" changes of the eclipsing period are 
relatively infrequent, these sudden, erratic changes seem to be the 
rule, at least in the case of the contact and semi-detached systems. 
Among other typical objects he mentioned Algol (beta Persei) itself 
- certainly one of the best observed variables - as indicating period 
changes of this nature; a similar proposal concerning Algol's period, as 
a matter of fact, was already put forward by Sterne.
  In the case of Algol, Schneller tried to represent the O-C curve of the 
times of minima by a polygon having two angles, two "sharp bends". They 
correspond to sudden changes, discontinuities of the period, having 
occurred in 1840 and 1924. This proposal has been essentially 
substantiated by a recent analysis of all photoelectrically determined 
epochs of minima, carried out at the Hamburg observatory (cf. a forthcoming 
paper by Frieboes-Conde, Herczeg and Hog). In particular, the occurrence of 
"period jumps" seems to be definitely established now though numerical details 
(like the data of these changes) had to be revised.
  This interpretation of the O-C curve offers us an explanation of the 
much discussed "great inequality" of Algol, too. This is a hypothetical 
long period light time effect requiring the existence of an additional 
unseen companion (Algol D) in the system. Up to now there are three observed 
and, at least, two hypothetical members listed as belonging to the complicated 
Algol system. Those observed, definitely recognized components are:
  Algol AB the eclipsing pair, a semi-detached system;
  Algol C, a distant companion with a period of 1.862a. This orbital motion
in the triple system gives rise to a light time effect of the times of 
minima; having a small amplitude (~~ 6 min.), it is rather difficult to 
handle. On the other hand, there exists an accurate and reliable set of 
spectroscopic elements for this 1.9 year orbit, derived by Ebbighausen (1958).
  The hypothetical members are:
  Algol E, introduced for explaining by light time effect a clearly 
distinguishable 32-year periodicity of the O-C values by light time effect. 
This periodicity can be, however, much more convincingly explained by the aid 
of apsidal motion in the eclipsing system;
  Algol D, a component proposed already in the last century in order to 
find an explication for the above mentioned great inequality, dominant 
feature of the O-C diagram, with a suggested period of about 170-180 
years. But an interpretation of the great inequality as a light time 
effect faces also serious difficulties. Until now, the periodicity 
itself defied exact representation: predictions based upon a recent, 
very elaborate discussion of the period changes by Kopal, Plavec and 
Reilly (1960) yielded residuals amounting to half an hour. Besides, the 
mass of this hypothetical unseen companion turns out to be unexpectedly 
high, about 4 M_Sun. A further important question is the following: a 
possible light time effect would require an orbit large enough to cause 
detectable changes (> 1 sec of arc) in the position of Algol AB, a much 
observed 2nd magnitude star.
Our discussion of all meridian observation reaching back to about A. D. 
1750 indicated, however, that Algol's proper motion remained sensibly 
constant - no traces of the orbital motion in the hypothetical quadruple 
system Algol ABC-D could be found. This seems to be a direct and decisive 
argument against the existence of the component Algol D.
  We are now obliged to find an alternative explanation for the great 
inequality. Let us make the basic assumption that - besides the eclipsing 
period, the 1.9-year light time effect and the 32-year period - no further 
periodicities exist in the O-C diagram. (This assumption, which might be 
opposed by some observers, has turned out a very useful and also successful 
working hypothesis.) Then a rather sensitive test can be carried out, based on 
the best determined, photoelectrically observed epochs of minima, about 60 
in number since 1920. We treated this rather accurate observational material 
in the following way:
  We subtracted the effect of 32-years periodicity. This correction was 
based on data by Hellerich (1919);
  We accepted as a definite representation of the 1.862a orbit the spectroscopic 
elements given by Ebbighausen (1958, 1962). Thereafter, the corresponding light 
time effect can easily be taken into consideration.
  Then the residuals have shown with considerable accuracy a polygon indicating 
two sudden changes of the period (in 1944 and 1952) and three different values 
of a practically constant eclipsing period outside these "jumps" (Fig. 1). 
The sudden changes amount to Delta P = +3.5s and Delta P = -2.0s, respectively. 
The constancy of the period within the time intervals, say 1920-1942 and 
1955-1965 can be judged from the good representation of the 1.9-year light 
time effect, the remaining scatter of the O-C values being but slightly higher 
than the usual error of photoelectrically determined epochs of minima. It seems 
very improbable that any further periodicities could be accomodated within 
this small margin.

                              Fig. 1

  The reliability of Hellerich's numerical representation of the 22-year 
period is, of course, a basic question. Though small systematic deviations are 
not to be entirely excluded, no serious error can, - in my opinion - arise 
hereby. Especially the fact that the two jumps are rather close together, 
separated by a quarter of the period only, means that the existence of 
two sudden changes remains incontestable.
  This somewhat perhaps surprising representation of the photoelectric 
times of minima encourages me to an experiment: to apply a similar 
procedure to the earlier measurements, too. Minima were observed since 
1784 in a very great number. The overwhelming majority of these times of 
minima is based on visual estimates, and their rather modest accuracy 
(of the order of +-0.02d), doesn't permit a detection of the 1.9-year 
light time effect. Besides, the in fluence of minor systematic errors in 
the representation of the 32-year period will be considerably enhanced 
by going back to the 18th century observations. This makes our proposed 
representation to a tentative one; on the other hand the deviations from 
a reasonable picture turn out relatively small, thus suggesting the 
proposal I am going to discuss is not completely arbitrary.
  Because of the large scatter of the individual epochs I used the normal 
points meticulously derived by Ferrari (1934). Again, I subtracted Hellerich's 
formula for the 32-year term. The residuals not only allow, they clearly 
suggest a representation given by a polygon. The representation derived earlier 
from the photoelectric minima is a continuation of this new polygon - the long 
interval of constant period 1920-1944 can well be extended back to 1915. 
There is no indication of a sudden period change in 1924 as it was proposed 
by Schneller; the short sharp change around 1914/15 seems to be real (Fig. 2). 
  The following table summarizes this possible sequence of "events": 

        P_1 = 2.8673442d       (1784)- 1835 (approx.) Delta P ~~-3.7s 
	P_2 = 2.8673012d	1835 - 1854                   ~~-2.3s
	P_3 = 2.8672775d	1854 - 1901		      ~~+1.7s		
	P_4 = 2.8672967d	1901 - 1913		      ~~-4.0s		
	P_5 = 2.8672506d	1913 - 1915		      ~~+5.0s		
	P_6 = 2.86730807d	1915 - 1944		      ~~+3.5s		
	P_7 = 2.86734862d	1944 - 1952		      ~~-2.0s		
	P_8 = 2.86732442d	1952 -(1965)				

                              Fig. 2

  This interpretation decomposes the great inequality into a series of 
sudden period changes. Apparently they are forming a random set, the 
changes occurring on an average once in 25-30 years. This is certainly a 
non-periodic phenomenon, probably caused by discontinuities of the mass 
exchange between the components or in the mass loss from the whole 
system. Perhaps, the "overflowing" of the secondary component of its 
Roche-limit is not a smooth phenomenon but it causes from time to time 
directional outbursts of mass from the secondary, hereby changing the 
eclipsing period in a sudden way.
  The obviously spurious periodicity of about 160-180 years length was an 
understandable suggestion of the early observers: it was favoured by the 
existence of two relatively long intervals of constant period. P_1 and P_3.
This led to the use of a mean period in the linear ephemeris formula 
which, in its turn, gave rise to the characteristic wedge-shaped figure 
in the O-C diagram, simulating the "first half" of a sine curve (Fig. 3).

                              Fig. 3


Detre: Algol's O-C diagram looks rather like to one resulting from 
     cumulative effects of random period variations: on long cycles there are 
     superposed shorter cycles. How far is the 32 year period established?
Seitter: Irrespective of smaller errors having an effect on the period 
     length and the zero phase (and Hellerich's representation of the 32 year 
     period seems to be a very reliable one!), most of the jumps, especially 
     those rather thoroughly observed in 1944 and 1952, are quite well 
     established. This is mainly based on the fact that these two jumps 
     occurred within a time interval short enough not to be seriously 
     affected by any erroneous assumption concerning the 32 year periodicity. 
     Numerical data could certainly be shifted to some extent but the 
     existence of sudden period changes remains beyond doubt.


Ebbighausen, E. G., 1958, Astrophys. J. 128, 598.
Ebbighausen, E. G., and Gange, J. J., 1962. Publ. Dominion Astrophys. 
                    Obs. Victoria 12, 151.
Ferrari, K., 1934, Astr. Nachr. 253, 225.
Hellerich, J., 1919, Astr. Nachr. 209, 227.
Kopal, Z., Plavec, M. and Reilly, Edith, 1960, Jodrell Bank Ann. 1, 374. 
Schneller, H., 1962, Mitt. Sternwarte Budapest No. 53.(CoKon N°.53)