Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                               IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                      S. CATALANO and M. RODONO
                Catania Astrophysical Observatory, Italy 


  On the ground of extensive photoelectric observations of RS CVn made at 
Catania since 1963 several photometric peculiarities of this system are 

  A good deal of hypotheses have been proposed to explain the 
peculiarities of the system RS CVn (e.g. Sitterly 1930; Mergentaler 
1950; Catalano and Rodono 1967). However, as the accumulation of 
photometric and spectroscopic observations has been increasing, none of 
these hypotheses seems to be completely correct.
  Since 1963 photoelectric observations were collected at Catania in order to 
reach a description as complete as possible for the properties of this system. 
  We should like to review here these properties as far as concerns:
  1. light curve variation
  2. colour index outside eclipses
  3. variation of the primary minimum depth
  4. orbital period variation and displacement of the secondary minimum 
  5. spectral peculiarities.

                             LIGHT CURVE VARIATION

  The light curve of RS CVn shows fairly regular variations, in contrary 
to many systems having irregular fluctuations or humps at certain phases.
  The luminosity of the system outside eclipses is perturbed by a wave-like 
distortion (Fig. 1). This distortion, maintaining its shape, moves in 
the sense of decreasing phases. In the Fourier expansion of rectified 
light curve, all coefficients are negligible compared to those of the 
cos phi and sin phi terms (Chisari and Lacona, 1965).
  Therefore the observed light curve outside eclipses may be well represented 
by the following simple equation:

   L[phi, Theta(t)] = L_0 - Delta L cos [phi - Theta(t)]

where phi is the phase angle, and Theta, variable in time, gives the phase 
angle of the minimum of the wave-like distortion relatively to the primary 
  The Theta mean values for each year were derived from the Catania 
observations by the method of least-squares using the above-mentioned 
equation. Three values were also derived from Keller and Limber's (1951) 
and Popper's (1961) observations, but they are somewhat uncertain because 
their light curves are not complete.

                    Fig. 1. Observed light curves.

        Fig. 2. Position angle of light curve distortion.

  Fig. 2 shows the Theta values versus the number of orbital period from an 
assumed initial epoch (JD 2425249.028; Schneller, 1928). Because of the 
uncertainty of the first three values of Theta it is difficult to determine 
the exact period in which Theta reaches the same value. On the hypotheses 
that Keller and Limber's observations and ours up to 1966 belong to the 
same cycle, we made a rough estimate of 2400 orbital periods (Catalano
and Rodono 1967). Using new observations obtained during 1967 and 1968, 
it seems that Keller and Limber's observations belong to a preceding 
cycle. Therefore a more suitable value might be about 800 orbital 
periods. Limiting ourselves to the Catania observations this period 
would be even smaller.


  The amplitude of the distortion is larger at longer wavelengths. The 
data in the following Table refer to the observations of 1968:

                        U	B	V
                        0.10m	0.14m	0.17m

  Consequently the light outside eclipses is bluer at its minimum than at 
its maximum. This appears clearly in Figs. 3a and 3b, where for 1967 and 
1968 the mean light curves and the colour index variations Delta(B -V), both 
outside eclipses, are reported.
  This behaviour of the colour index, as observed in many systems showing 
distortions of their light curves, has been discussed by Mergentaler (1950). 
He supposed that gaseous streams of negative ions of hydrogen of different 
optical thickness could cause the observed distortions in the light curve. 
If the distortion of RS CVn is due to this reason, the absorbing matter should
have an equilibrium configuration, because the wave-like distortion, as 
we have seen, maintains its shape with time. We had suggested (Catalano
and Rodono 1967) that a ring around the equatorial plane of the primary 
component might cause the distortion of the light curve and its shift 
with time. This idea was supported primarily by the good agreement 
between the previously determined period of the distortion shift (2400 P) 
and the theoretical period of precession of the equator, which was 
assumed to have inclined to the orbital plane. But the new estimate of 
the period of the light variation, as previously reported, is too short 
to be compared with the theoretical one.

Fig. 3a. Correlation between C. I. variation (+) and the mean V light curve 
         outside eclipses (filled circle) (1967 observations).

Fig. 3b. Correlation between C. I. variation (+) and the mean V light curve 
         outside eclipses (filled circle) (1968 observations).


  Many observational evidences give the suspicion that the distortion of 
the light curve is due to the secondary component. Fluctuations of the 
depth of the primary minimum were already observed by Keller and Limber 
and by Popper. These fluctuations are confirmed by our observations. The 
primary eclipse is total, therefore these variations are due to the 
secondary component.

Fig. 4. Correlation between position angle of distortion and depth 
        of primary minimum.

  In Fig. 4 (above) the phases O of minima of the light curve distortion 
and (below) the depths of the primary minima are plotted versus time. It 
is evident that the variation of the depth of primary minimum is clearly 
connected with the position of the distortion in the light curve. In 
particular, when the minimum of the distortion falls near the primary 
eclipse (i.e., the secondary component is fainter at this phase) the 
eclipse appears deeper.
  The fluctuation in the luminosity of the secondary component could be 
connected in some way with the orbital motion.


  From Fig. 5 we can deduce that the fluctuations of the orbital period 
around the mean value 4.797865d have a cycle of about 4000 orbital periods 
which is little shorter than Plavec' value (Plavec 1960).
  Plavec (1960) pointed out that the observed period variation of RS CVn 
could. not arise from rotation of one or both components around axes 
inclined to the orbital plane.
  The third body hypothesis was excluded by Payne-Gaposchkin (1930) and 
decisively by Plavec (1960).
  It is questionable to attribute the period variation to an eccentricity 
of the orbit. In fact the secondary minimum is strongly asymmetrical and this 
does not permit an accurate determination of its position, which seems to be 
affected by the relative position of the light curve distortion. At present 
the period of the displacement of the secondary minimum resulting from our 
observations is incompatibly smaller than the orbital period variation.

                             Fig. 5. Period variation.

  The radial velocity curves do not show evidence of orbital eccentricity. 
  Ejection of matter from one or both components seems to be the only 
mechanism that may explain the orbital period variation.

                             SPECTRAL PECULIARITIES

  Probably variable emission lines, as H_alpha, H and K lines of ionized 
calcium, have been observed in the spectrum of the secondary component 
(Hiltner 1947; Joy 1940; Popper 1961).
  Azimov (1965) found that the electron density and the temperature of 
the secondary component are higher than those of single subgiants of the 
same spectral type.
  Finally, our unpublished spectroscopic observations carried out at the 
Asiago Astrophysical Observatory confirm the presence of the mentioned 
emission lines, which do not disappear during the secondary eclipse, as 
previously reported by Hiltner (1947).


Azimov, S. M., 1965, Abastumansk, astrofiz. Obs. Bjull., 33, 81. 
Catalano, S., Rodono, M., 1967, Mem. Soc. astr. Ital., 38, 395. 
Chisari, D., Lacona, M., 1965, Mem. Soc, astr. ital., 36, 463. 
Hiltner, W. A., 1947, Astrophys. J., 106, 481. 
Joy, A. A., 1930, Astrophys. J., 72, 41.
Keller, G., Limber, D. N., 1951, Astrophys. J., 113, 637. 
Mergentaler, J., 1950, Wroclaw Contr. No. 4. 
Payne-Gaposchkin, C., 1939, Harvard Repr. No. 170. 
Plavec, M., 1960, Bull. astr. Inst. Csl., 11, 152. 
Popper, D. M., 1961, Astrophys. J., 133, 148. 
Schneller, H., 1928, Astr. Nachr., 233, 361. 
Sitterly, B. W., 1930, Princ. Contr., 11, 21.