Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                             IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                         by V. G. GORBATZKY
             Leningrad University Observatory, USSR.

  The observational data on novae, recurrent novae and U Gem stars 
recently obtained (Kraft, 1963) show that most of these stars and very 
likely all of them are binary systems. They consist of dwarf stars and 
some of these systems are observed as eclipsing ones. In this case the 
light curve of the system has the following peculiarities:

  1. Short periods, usually near to 6h.
  2. The primary light minimum is asymmetrical.
  3. The secondary light minimum is very shallow or unobservable. 
  4. Brightness fluctuations, superposed on the eclipse light curve, are 
     observed. Their amplitude is about 0.05m and their time scale is of the 
     order of 1 min. The fluctuations are more outstanding near the phase 
     0.25 P and before the primary light minimum. They are smallest on the 
     descending branch to the light minimum.

  A possible explanation of these brightness fluctuations is proposed in 
this note. As it is well known from spectroscopic observations, the 
primaries of the close binaries of the type considered here have 
disk-like gaseous envelopes. It was found from theoretical study of gas 
motions in a close system of two gravitating points (Prendergast, 1960), 
that in the vicinity of each point these motions differ only a little 
from the circular Keplerian ones. Consequently, an azimuthal velocity 
gradient must exist in the disk-like envelope.
  The flow of gas in the envelope towards the stellar surface is caused by 
turbulent viscosity. If there is no permanent supply of gas, the 
envelope will vanish. All the matter it contains will join the star. 
Estimates show (Gorbatzky, 1968) that this will occur within one day or 
even at a shorter time. However, we observe the envelopes over long time 
intervals, and this must be considered as an evidence of the supply of 
the envelopes with gas. This supply may be realized only by gaseous 
streams flowing from the other star of the binary system. In the case of 
WZ Sge the stream ("jet") that transfers the matter to the envelope of 
the primary star, can be detected directly (Krzeminsky and Kraft, 1964) 
by spectroscopic observations.
  The gaseous jet must be accelerated by the star's gravitational field. 
If the initial velocity of the gas is small enough, its radial velocity 
v near the envelope is of the order


  Taking the mass of the star M_*~~M_Sun, and the radius of the envelope 
r~~10^10 cm, as found from observations, we get v~5*10^7 cm sec^-1. 
A more precise calculation, making allowance for the gas pressure as well 
as for the effects caused by the rotation of the stars around their 
common center of gravity, leads to values of V of the same order.
  The disk-like envelope emits the radiation not only in discrete 
frequencies but also in the continuum. As it may be inferred from 
photometric data, the brightness of the system diminishes substantially 
even during the eclipse of the envelope. Consequently, the observable 
continuous radiation of the envelope is significant, sometimes it may 
give the main contribution to the total radiation of the system.
  The kinetic energy of the gas flowing into the envelope must be one of 
the main sources of the radiation emitted by the envelope. The heated region is 
formed at the place where the gas flow encounters the envelope. The radiation 
of this region is more intense than that of the other parts of the envelope.
  Apparently just in this place we observe the so called "hot spot", the 
presence of which has been supposed in some studies to explain the 
peculiarities of the light curve. The "shoulder" on the light curve that 
precedes the primary minimum corresponds to phases of best visibility of 
the spot. During this light minimum the hot spot is eclipsed by the cold 
secondary star.
  The calculations show that almost half of the total kinetic energy of 
the gaseous streams will be transformed into the radiation of the hot 
spot region (the rest of the energy dissipates in other regions of the 
envelope later). Hence the energy E radiated by the envelope is


  Here rho is the gas density, v the gas velocity, K is a coefficient of 
the order of unity.
  In theoretical studies the gaseous stream is usually considered as a 
continuous jet flowing from point L_1 and having constant velocity and 
constant capacity. The envelope is assumed to be a homogeneous disk. 
There are no observational data which confirm the validity of such a 
simple model. On the contrary, the observed differences in the depths of 
light minima in different cycles are evidences of rapid changes in the 
dimensions of the envelope. Hence the capacity of the gaseous flow also 
changes. Variations in the velocity of the jet are observed in case of 
WZ Sge.
  A variation of not more than 10 per cent in the density of the jet, or a 
change of a few per cent in the velocity of the gaseous streams is sufficient 
to change the luminosity of the envelope by about ten per cent and, 
correspondingly, the brightness of the system changes by several hundredths 
of a magnitude. Apparently, inhomogeneity of the jet on such a scale is quite 
possible and it may be the main cause of the observed brightness fluctuations.
  The stream seems to flow out from its envelope and not from the 
secondary star. There are spectroscopic evidences of the presence of 
envelopes around the cool secondaries (Greenstein, 1960). Since well 
developed turbulence must exist in such an envelope, the stream flowing 
out from it cannot be fully homogeneous. The scale of inhomogeneities in 
the stream and in the envelope must be of the same order.
  If the brightness fluctuations are caused by inhomogeneity of the 
gaseous stream, one can estimate the size d of the largest inhomogeneities in
the envelope of the secondary star. Using data on the duration (Delta t) of 
the brightness fluctuations and taking into account that d ~ v Delta t, 
we find that d is of the order of 10^9 cm. On the other hand, we have 
earlier estimated (Gorbatzky, 1965) the scale (l) of the turbulence in a 
disk-like envelope. It can be found from the equation, that


where Delta u is the velocity of the turbulent pulsations and v_phi is the 
azimuthal velocity. The value of Delta u cannot be higher than some tens of 
km/sec and v_phi~~5.10^7 cm/sec. Therefore, taking r~~10^10 cm we 
have l <= 10^9 cm. In this way we found that the size of inhomogeneities in the 
envelope of the secondary star and correspondingly the scale of non-uniformity 
in the stream are of the same order as the main scale of turbulent motions in 
the envelope. The turbulence in the envelope of the secondary star can result 
in inhomogeneity of the gaseous jet flowing into the envelope of the primary. 
The fact, that d~~l, seems to confirm our assumption on the cause of brightness 
fluctuations in close binary systems of dwarf stars.
  The inhomogeneity of the stream combined with the rotation of the 
envelope makes the envelope structure rather complex. Densities in the 
envelope in the same distance from the primary star may be different. 
This must result in different emissivity. As the envelope rotates, this 
may also cause brightness fluctuations. In both cases changes in the 
capacity of a gaseous flow give rise to brightness fluctuations in the 
systems considered. 


Gorbatzky, V. G., 1965, Trudy astr. Obs. Leningr. gos. Univ. 23, 15. 
Gorbatzky, V. G., 1968, Report Trieste Symp. (in press). 
Greenstein, J. L., 1960, Stellar Atmospheres, ed. by J. L. Greenstein 
      (Univ. of Chicago Press. Ch. 19). 
Kraft, R., 1963, Cataclysmic Variables as Binary Stars. Adv. Astr. Astrophys. 2, p. 43. 
Krzeminsky, W. and Kraft, R., 1964, Astrophys. J., 140, 921. 
Prendergast, K., 1960, Astrophys. J., 132, 162.