Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 
                                 IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                          M. W. FEAST
              Radcliffe Observatory, Pretoria, S. Africa

   Apart from visual estimates of magnitudes, the amount of information 
available on the R CrB type variables is surprisingly small. This is 
particularly true of the changes that occur during light minima. The principal 
published data are a very valuable series of spectra taken by Herbig (1949) 
during the decline of R CrB itself to minimum in 1949, and an analysis 
by Mrs. Payne-Gaposchkin (1963) of several coudé plates taken by Greenstein 
during the 1960 minimum of the same star. There is evidently a considerable 
need for rather detailed spectroscopic and photometric studies of individual 
minima of the variables, especially as these may vary from star to star and 
from one minimum to another. This is a preliminary report of observations 
of RY Sgr during the present minimum.

   At maximum light RY Sgr is very similar to R CrB itself, as is shown 
by Danziger's (1965) high dispersion study. The star has been under visual 
observation by de Kock for many years and he observed a decline in brightness 
during July 1967. Since that time medium and low dispersion spectroscopy 
and UBV photometry has been carried out with the Radcliffe 74-inch reflector 
and the Cape 40-inch reflector as often as other work permitted. The present 
minimum is the deepest recorded for 20 years and we are fortunate in having 
secured a fairly good coverage of it. The star has not yet returned to maximum 
brightness and a detailed analysis of the observations may take some while. 
However a number of facts have emerged which seem to be of particular interest.
   The initial drop of the star was very rapid, about 3.5m in 15 days. The 
star was first observed spectroscopically at about 9.5m (V) during this decline 
(that is about 3 magnitudes below maximum). It then showed a rich emission 
spectrum which strengthened relative to the continuum as the star faded further. 
At the first minimum (~ 10.3m) the spectrum (at 48 A/mm) showed some 
350 emission lines on a fairly weak continuum. Most of the emission lines 
correspond to lines seen in absorption at light maximum and are of Fe II, 
Ti II, Sc II etc. There seems to be a qualitative correspondence to the emission 
spectrum reported by Mrs. Payne-Gaposchkin in the initial phase of the 
decline of R CrB itself in 1960 though a detailed comparison has not yet been
made. The continuum at this phase shows an interesting phenomenon which has not 
apparently been reported before. From the red limit of ordinary photographic 
plates to about 4000A, the continuum is weak and provides a relatively low 
background to the emission lines. This could well be the residual stellar 
continuum. By 4030A this continuum is quite weak and one would not expect 
to see any continuum to shorter wavelengths even for an early type star. 
However at about 4000A the continuum intensity increases considerably and 
absorption lines are seen. The principal absorptions are H and K of Ca II. 
These are not the normal broad stellar H and K lines seen at maximum light, 
but much narrower lines showing structure suggestive of blending of several 
discrete components. Narrow emission complicates the appearance but the 
absorption components have predominantly negative velocity shifts 
(up to ~ 200 km/sec).
  Apparently these absorptions are formed in shells or streams moving 
away from the stellar surface.
  The increase in the continuum intensity shortward of 4000A together with 
the absence of the normal wide stellar H and K absorptions makes it rather 
difficult to explain the continuum in this region as normal (thermal) radiation 
from the star. Rather it appears necessary to look for some interpretation 
involving an atomic or a molecular emission continuum. In addition to this 
continuum there is an indication of banded structure in the 3880A region. 
These are almost certainly emission bands of CN. CN was first seen in 
emission by Herbig in R CrB during the 1949 minimum.
  The most likely kind of process for the continuum is perhaps free-bound 
transitions (of electrons), and if we consider only transitions involving ground
states then the energy involved (i.e. 3.1 eV for a wavelength cut off of about 
4000A) drastically limits the possible emitters. The predicted continuum which 
appears most plausible as an identification is the electron attachment spectrum 
of CN. The electron affinity of CN is 3.1 eV and the inverse process of the 
one considered here (i.e. electron detachment of CN-) has been considered 
by Branscomb and Pagel (1958) as a possible source of opacity in cool carbon 
stars. Quantitative work on the shape of the continuum for a comparison 
with theory might enable this suggested identification to be tested. A possible 
contribution at shorter wavelengths (< 3900A) from the electron attachment 
spectrum of C_2 should also be borne in mind.
  After the steep fall to 10.3m the light curve goes through a substantial hump. 
The chief spectroscopic characteristic of this hump is the increase of the normal 
continuum with respect to the emission lines. If we follow Mrs. Gaposchkin's 
interpretation of R CrB then this would correspond to a brightening of the 
underlying star but it should be noted that the H and K absorptions still have 
the abnormal appearance discussed above and the continuum in this region may 
still be chiefly non-thermal (CN- ?). Quantitative work should decide whether 
Mrs. Gaposchkin's explanation in terms of the interplay of independent 
absorption and emission spectra holds in the present case. Certainly the 
appearance of the spectrum is most peculiar at certain phases. For instance 
near the top of the hump (~ 9^m) there is a practically continuous spectrum, 
the only very strong absorptions being Mg II and C I (besides shell, Ca II). 
Other emissions and absorptions are very weak. As the star fades again 
the continuum drops relative to the emission. The non-thermal continuum now 
seems to have gone and the continuum observed is probably a residual stellar 
continuum. The sharp emission spectrum is now quite different from that 
observed earlier, being qualitatively similar to that observed by Herbig during 
the faint phase of R CrB in 1949. The main feature of this spectrum is 
the weakness of Fe II and the strength of Ti II and Se II emissions. 
Actually there is no abrupt change in the sharp emission spectrum but a gradual 
smooth change from the earliest observations onwards. The overall strength 
of this emission spectrum seems to fall off with time rather independent of 
the magnitude of the star (e.g. independent of the occurrence of the hump). 
This is similar to the falloff in the strength of the emission spectrum of R CrB 
in 1960 (as reported by Mrs. Gaposchkin). In addition in RY Sgr there is at 
the same time a gradual change in the relative intensities of the lines. The 
changes effect adjacent lines and cannot therefore be attributed to the interplay
of a fading emission spectrum of fixed relative intensities with a fixed absorp- 
tion spectrum showing changing reddening. The general behaviour is a reduction 
of the relative intensities of lines of high excitation potential but the 
detailed behaviour is rather complex.
  These observations may well be consistent with Mrs. Gaposchkin's suggestion 
that the emission lines originate in the outer parts of the star (a chromosphere) 
from which the source of excitation has been cut off (by obscuration of the 
central star or otherwise). Two points are worth noticing in this connection. 
Firstly, because the emission spectrum is found in RY Sgr to be varying quite 
rapidly with time, it is doubtful whether the physical conditions of the 
chromosphere, even in the earliest phases, correspond to chromospheric 
conditions at light maximum. This probably also applies to the chromosphere 
parameters deduced by Mrs. Gaposchkin for R CrB. Secondly, the decay of 
an emission region suddenly cut off from its source of excitation would appear 
an ideal place for the production of an electron attachment spectrum, such 
as that of CN was postulated earlier.
  As RY Sgr fades towards minimum broad emission lines of H and K (Ca II), 
3888 (He I) and the D lines were seen. The star faded to 13.6m (V) before going 
into conjunction with the sun and was picked up at nearly the same magnitude 
a few months later.
  The recovery in brightness is characterized spectroscopically by the gradual 
disappearance of the last vestiges of the emission line spectrum and a return 
to essentially the normal maximum absorption spectrum (by ~ 9.5m (V)). 
Photoelectrically the rise is seen to progress in a number of smooth waves 
with a period of about 30 to 40 days. Similar waves in RY Sgr were suggested 
by Jacchia (1933) from visual observations. These waves are seen in V, B -V 
and U-B. No extensive photometry at maximum light has apparently been made but 
visual observations indicate variations of amplitude ~ 0.5m and period ~39 days, 
quite similar to those observed during the rise. It has been suggested that 
these are cepheid like variations (i.e. pulsations). If this is so then the star 
appears to be pulsating in a normal (maximum) fashion when at least 5 magnitudes 
below maximum. This (together with the recovery of the normal spectrum well 
below maximum) would suggest that, at least at this stage, the diminution 
of light cannot be due to some phenomenon in the star itself but must be 
caused by some form of obscuration above the stellar surface (e.g. O'Keefe's 
(1939) hypothesis of graphite absorption).
  The colour changes in the UBV system are remarkable. At the bottom of the 
first rapid decline the star is quite blue (B-V ~ + 0.24, U-B ~ -0.60).
This is at least partly due to the effects of the (non-thermal) blue continuum.
The complex variations in the colours on the descending branch of the light 
curve are probably largely caused by emission line effect. During the later 
stages, as the star rises again and when the emission lines are probably not 
affecting the colours to any great extent, the star is very red (reaching B-V
~ +1.48 U-B ~ +1.32) and is also performing loops both in the two colour 
diagram and the V, B-V diagram. These results are best interpreted as due 
to some form of intrinsic stellar variability together with heavy overlying 
reddening and obscuration.
   While RY Sgr was faint it was noticed to have a faint companion about 12" 
distant V = 15.69 B-V = +0.79 U-B = +0.15. After allowing for a small amount 
of reddening (cosecant law) this star lies close to the unreddened main 
sequence relation in the two colour plot and fitting to the main sequence 
indicates an absolute magnitude of about +5.1m (V). If the star is a physical 
companion then the absolute magnitude of RY Sgr at maximum is about -4^m (V). 
This would be quite an acceptable absolute magnitude and it would appear 
worthwhile making a determined effort to decide if the companion is really 
physical. Some direct photographs have been taken by Dr. P. J.Andrews to serve 
as first epoch plates for the purpose.


Branscomb, L. M. and Pagel, B. E. J., 1958, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 118, 258. 
Danziger, I. J., 1965, Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc., 130, 199.
Herbig, G. H., 1949, Astrophys. J., 110, 143.
Jacchia, L., 1933, Publ. Oss. astr. Univ. Bologna, 2, 173.
O'Keefe, J. A., 1939, Astrophys. J., 90, 294. 
Payne-Gaposchkin, C., 1963, Astrophys. J., 138, 320.

   * This discussion is based on observations in Pretoria and the Cape 
chiefly by J. B. Alexander, P. J. Andrews, R. M. Catchpole, P. Corben, 
D. H. P. Jones, R. P. de Kock, T. Lloyd Evans, J. W. Menzies, E. N. 
Walker and the writer. Several of these workers are participating in a 
study of the observations and it is hoped to publish a detailed joint 
paper at some later date. I am very grateful to my colleagues for 
allowing me to use the data for this preliminary discussion and for 
valuable conversations. 


Fernie: Have you made observations of any other southern R CrB stars? 
Feast: A few spectroscopic observations were made some years ago mainly of
    S Aps and W Men (a member of the Large Magellanic Cloud). It is intended 
    to carry out further spectroscopic, and possibly also photoelectric work.