Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars 

                                         IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968

                      Of AND Be STARS 
                   Introductory Report by 

                      ARNE SLETTEBAK
     Perkins Observatory, Ohio State and Ohio Wesleyan Universities, 
                   Delaware, Ohio, USA

                     I. THE Of STARS

   The Of stars are characterized by broad emission lines of N III 4634, 
4641, and He II 4686, in addition to absorption lines shown by normal O-type 
stars of corresponding spectral type. The presence of these emission features 
can be understood in terms of selective fluorescence processes proposed by 
Bowen (1935). Emission can also usually be found at H alpha and C III 5696 in 
most Of stars, and at Si IV 4089 and 4116, Ni IV 4057, N V 4603 and 4619, 
and He I 5876 in some Of stars (Underhill 1966).
   Some 13 per cent of the O-stars listed in recent catalogues are of type Of, 
according to Underhill (1966). No sharp distinction between the absorption-line 
O-type stars and the Of stars exists however, as has been shown by Wilson 
(1958), Underhill (1958a), and Kumajgorodskaya (1962).
   The extent of the shell producing the emission in Of stars has been 
estimated by Struve and Swings (1940), Swings (1942), Oke (1954), Underhill 
(1958b), Hutchings (1968a), and others. Generally, the emission appears to 
arise from a shell not more than one or two stellar radii in extent. The existence 
of P-Cygni line profiles with very broad emission features in the spectra of Of 
stars suggests that these objects have expanding atmospheres with considerable 
internal motions. Wilson (1958) found for the Of star lambda Cephei band 
widths for He II 4686 and N III 4634-41 of the same order as observed in 
the spectra of Wolf-Rayet stars, indicating Doppler velocities in excess of 
1000 km/sec. Radial velocity measurements by Hutchings (1968a) of two Of 
stars suggest extended accelerating atmospheres with velocities reaching 600 
km/sec and beyond.
   Struve and Swings (1940, 1941), Oke (1954), Mannino and Humblet 
(1955), Underhill (1959), Kumajgorodskaya (1960), Hutchings (1967a, 1968a), 
and others have commented on the variability of the spectra of Of stars. 
The emission features show pronounced variations, while variability of the 
absorption lines has also been reported. Evidence of extremely rapid 
variations was first given by Oke (1954), who found emission-line intensities 
in the Of stars HD 34656 and HD 190429 N varying in a matter of hours. 
Oke pointed out that the variations of the N III and He II line profiles take 
two forms: (a) the main part of the line varies considerably in shape; (b) the 
main lines are accompanied by emission and absorption satellites on the red 
and violet sides which come and go from plate to plate. More recently, 
Hutchings (1967a, 1968a) has found similar variations.
   In October of 1966, an attempt was made to observe rapid variations, 
of the kind reported by Oke, with the 72-inch Perkins reflector of the Ohio 
State and Ohio Wesleyan Universities at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff,
Arizona. Spectrograms of dispersion 40 A/mm at H gamma on Kodak IIa-O emulsion 
were taken during a series of consecutive nights of the Of stars lambda Cephei, 
9 Sagittae, HD 34656, and HD 190429 N. The spectrograms were considerably 
widened in order to aid the detection and measurement of the diffuse and 
shallow emission features. Line profiles of the N III 4634-41 and He II 4686 
features for the four stars are illustrated in Figures 1-4. These are intended 
only to show observed line profile changes; no correction for underlying 
absorption has been made, nor are radial velocity differences shown.
  Although the spectrograms are of rather low dispersion, rapid variations in 
the line profiles are evident. These may occur from night to night, as in the
spectra of lambda Cephei (Fig. 1) taken on the nights of Oct. 22nd and Oct. 23rd,
or within a few hours, as shown in the lambda Cephei spectra of Oct. 24th. 
In addition to the rapid variations, the great widths of the emission bands 
noted by Wilson (1958) is confirmed by the present material. Brief comments about
the aforementioned Of stars plus two additional Of stars follow:

   lambda Cep. Spectrograms taken of this O6f star with the Perkins 69-inch 
telescope (28 A/mm at H gamma) in Delaware, Ohio prior to those illustrated in 
Fig. 1 also show interesting changes. On Sep. 6, 1952, N III 4641 was stronger 
in emission than N III 4634 and He II 4686, had a violet satellite emission 
feature. Eight nights later, on Sep. 14, 1952, the two N III lines were more 
equal in intensity, while the He II satellite line was much weaker than 
previously. Again, on Nov. 6, 1956, the emission spectrum was similar to 
that just described for Sep. 6, 1952, while by Nov. 24, 1956, the N III emission
was much stronger and broader and the violet He II satellite line had 
   In addition to the changes in the emission lines illustrated in Fig. 1, 
the absorption lines also show rapid changes at times. On Oct. 25.28, 1966, 
for example, the He I 4471 and He II 4541 lines appeared rather sharp relative 
to their usual diffuse appearance.

   9 Sag. The N III 4641 emission was generally stronger than the 4634 
component in this O8f star, as shown in Fig. 2, but on occasion (i.e., Oct. 
26.19) they appeared nearly equal. Meanwhile, the He II 4686 emission also 
showed rapid intensity variations and actually disappeared on the night of 
Oct. 25.19.

   HD 34656. This O7f star showed essentially equal N III 4634 and 4641 
components except on the night of Oct. 24th, when the 4641 feature was the 
stronger of the two as illustrated in Fig. 3. On the night of Oct. 27th, the 
N III emission was markedly weaker than on the other nights. The He II 4686 
line appears in absorption in this star and was much sharper on the nights 
of Oct. 24th and 27th than on the other three nights. No corresponding 
pronounced changes in other absorption lines were detected.

   HD 190429 N. Variations in the emission line profiles of this O5f star 
are shown in Fig. 4. Rapid changes in the absorption lines also occured: the 
He II 4541 and 4200 lines appeared more diffuse on the spectrogram of Oct. 
27.08 than on the other plates.

Fig. 1. Variations in the profiles of the N III 4634-41 and He II 4686 
        emission features in the spectrum of the O6f star lambda Cephei 
        during six consecutive nights.

   29 CMa. Spectrograms of 20 A/mm dispersion taken with the Perkins 72-inch 
telescope on the nights of March 18 and 21, 1968 show a violet satellite 
emission line to the He II 4686 emission feature on the 21st, which was not 
present on the 18th.

   zeta Pup. Both N III 4634-41 and He II 4686 show a complex emission 
structure on 20 A/mm spectrograms taken with the Perkins 72-inch telescope on 
the nights of March 18 and 21, 1968, but no obvious differences were visible.

Fig. 2. Variations in the profiles of the N 111 4634-41 and He 11 4686 emission 
        features in the spectrum of the O8f star 9 Sagittae during five 
        consecutive nights.

Fig. 3. Variations in the profiles of the N III 4634-41 emission feature and 
        He II 4686 absorption line in the spectrum of the O7f star HD 34656 
        during five consecutive nights

   Rapid variations of the kind illustrated in Figures 1-4 should be 
studied with high-dispersion spectra over continuous time periods and include 
both intensity and radial velocity measurements. If, as seems probable at 
present, the variations are non-periodic, the picture brought to mind is one 
of large-scale, turbulent atmospheric motions with velocities of hundreds of 
kilometers per second. Whether or not axial rotation plays a role is not clear 
but it probably does not play the dominant role since sharp-lined Of stars 
(as would be expected from those seen pole-on) are non-existent or very rare
(Slettebak 1956). The analogy between Of stars and Be stars (where rotation 
is the dominant line-broadening agent) which is sometimes made should therefore 
probably not be carried too far.
   What then is the nature of the Of stars and how are they related to normal 
O-type stars? The picture is not yet clear. There is evidence in favor of these 
objects being somewhat more luminous than absorption-line O-type stars of 
corresponding type (Roman 1951; Slettebak 1956; Kumajgorodskaya 1962; 
van den Bergh 1968) but no general agreement (Underhill 1955). The recent 
suggestion by van den Bergh (1968) that Of stars of a given spectral type are 
older and hence presumably more highly evolved than are absorption-line O stars 
of the same spectral type is interesting in this connection and should be 
investigated further.

               II. THE Be STARS

   Some 10 per cent of the brighter B-type stars show emission lines of 
hydrogen (Merrill and Burwell 1933) and are designated as Be stars. Of these, 
about 10 per cent are Ia supergiant stars (Abt and Golson 1966). The latter
have emission at H alpha (sometimes also at H beta), which usually appears as a P
Cygni-type line profile, and which is often variable. A detailed study of the 
variations for three B-type supergiants was made by Underhill (1961), who 
found non-periodic radial velocity changes and suggested that the variations 
are due to atmospheric motions.

Fig. 4. Variations in the profiles of the N III 4634-41 and He II 4686 
     emission features in the spectrum of the O5f star HD 190429 N during 
     five consecutive nights.

  The remaining 90 per cent of Be stars are of much lower luminosity, 
apparently lying a magnitude or two above the main sequence, and are 
characterized by very large line broadening. The use of the term "Be stars" 
in the remainder of this paper shall refer only to these objects. Struve (1931) 
was the first to suggest that the emission lines in Be stars arise in gaseous 
rings ejected from rapidly-rotating stars at the limit of instability, and this 
interpretation still seems valid today.
  The spectra of Be stars typically show variations. Among a group of 40 of the 
brightest Be stars observed by McLaughlin (1961) for many years, only 8 failed 
to show convincing evidence of spectral changes. In the terminology of McLaughlin, 
the spectrum variations are of three kinds: (1) appearance and disappearance 
of a shell absorption spectrum; (2) E/C variation; (3) V/R variation. 
An enormous literature regarding spectrum variation in Be stars exists and only 
a few authors and papers can be cited in the following paragraphs.
  Absorption shell spectrum variation. When the axis of rotation of a Be 
star is oriented such that the equatorial ring is in or near the plane including
the observer, an absorption-line spectrum arising from the ring or shell is 
visible in addition to the emission lines. Be stars with this orientation are 
called "shell stars", and the shell spectra strengthen and weaken as their 
shells come and go. Such changes in some of the brighter shell stars have been 
studied intensively - by Struve, Merrill, McLaughlin, Underhill and others. 
There is evidence for an "oscillation" of 8-10 years during which the 
equatorial shell appears and disappears (Merrill, 1956), but some shell stars 
(gamma Cas, zeta Tau) behave much more erratically. The mechanism which triggers
the formation of a shell remains an unsolved problem.
  E/C Variation. Changes in the ratio of intensity of the emission lines 
to the neighboring continuous spectrum are designated as E/C variations. 
Such changes are usually associated with the appearance and disappearance 
of the absorption shell spectra for shell stars and also reflect the coming and 
going of the shell. For stars seen nearly pole-on, these E/C variations are the 
only spectral evidence of the shell phase. In a study of 8 Be stars, Lacoarret 
(1965) found E/C variations ranging between 3 and about 15 years.
  Spectrograms taken with the Perkins 69-inch telescope of the shell star 
Pleione in 1949 show a relatively strong absorption shell spectrum with weak 
emission at H beta. Two years later, the absorption shell spectrum was much 
weaker, while the emission was somewhat stronger. In 1957 the absorption 
shell spectrum had disappeared, except for the cores of the Balmer lines, 
while the emission at H beta was very strong. The appearance of the spectrum 
in 1968 was again similar to that in 1957.
  V/R Variation. In a typical Balmer-line profile shown by a Be star which is 
oriented such that the equatorial shell is seen projected against at least 
a portion of the photosphere of the star, a narrow central absorption
divides the wider emission into a violet and a red component. These two 
emission components frequently show variations in relative intensity which 
have been designated as V/R variations. In a study of 54 Be stars for which 
spectrograms were available over a 24-year period, Copeland and Heard (1963) 
found that two-thirds showed V/R variation.
   The V/R variations often show apparent periodicities of several years. 
McLaughlin (1963, 1966) found a period of about 10 years for the V/R variation 
in 105 Tauri, and about 4.5 years for HD 20336 in the interval 1916-31. 
The V/R variation behaved much more erratically for the latter star outside 
the aforementioned time interval, however, at times stopping altogether. 
A similar erratic behaviour was found for pi Aquarii, while beta^1 Monocerotis 
started V/R variation with a period of about 12.5 years in 1924 after showing 
no variation for 20 years prior to that year (McLaughlin 1958). Copeland and 
Heard (1963) found periodic V/R variations in nearly half of their V/R 
variables, with a mean period of 6.8 years. Although several have been proposed, 
no model exists as yet which can satisfactorily explain these V/R variations 
(McLaughlin 1961).
   In addition to such long-period variations in V/R, much shorter variations 
have been observed. Recently, Hutchings (1967b) has observed very rapid profile 
variations in the spectrum of gamma Cas using photoelectric scanning techniques. 
He finds significant changes in the H gamma profile in intervals of one 
hour or less and suggests that a continuously changing velocity of expansion 
covering most of the stellar surface is responsible (Hutchings 1968b).
   An attempt to observe short-period variations in the spectra of two bright 
Be stars was made by the writer in October of 1966. Using spectrograms 
of dispersion 40 A/mm at H gamma taken on Kodak IIa-O emulsion with the 
Perkins 72-inch reflector, 28 Tau and gamma Cas were each observed once and 
sometimes twice during seven consecutive nights. No convincing changes 
were observed in the spectrum of 28 Tau, which showed R slightly stronger 
than V at H beta during the entire period of observation. The spectrum 
of gamma Cas was also well behaved, for the most part, but a definite and 
sudden change occurred during the night of Oct. 25th, as shown in Fig. 5. 
Although V was usually somewhat stronger than R at H beta during the observation 
period, the two emission components became nearly equal for a short time 
on Oct. 25th before returning to normal again on the following night.
   It should be emphasized that such relatively low-dispersion spectrograms 
will only show the more obvious variations. Scanning techniques of the type 
employed by Hutching (1967b) are probably required to bring out with 
certainty the small-amplitude rapid variations. The existence of such sudden 
and sporadic changes suggests again, as in the case of the Of stars, rapid 
atmospheric motions. The Perkins observations suggest a difference in the 
degree of atmospheric activity, however: the Be stars seem to act up only 
on occasion whereas the Of atmospheres are apparently in a state of constant 
   Another way of attacking the problem of variability in the Be stars is 
by looking for changes in the total light and colors of these objects. Although
gamma Cas showed changes of one magnitude or more during its shell phase, most 
Be stars vary by much smaller amounts. Schmidt (1959) found variations in light 
of, slightly more than 0.1 mag. for the shell star Omicron Andromedae and 
concluded that it is a contact binary. Jackisch (1963) made UBV observations 
of the Be stars 48 Per and 53 Per and found magnitude variations of 0.10 and 
0.07, respectively, for the two stars. Feinstein (1968) observed 72 bright 
southern Be stars in the UBV system over a three-year period. He found that 
33 stars displayed variations in V larger than 0.06 mag. and that 21 changed 
in U-B by more than 0.06 mag. The variations were found to be either progressive 
or irregular, with some changes as large as 0.3 mag.


 Fig. 5. Rapid V/R variations in HP in the spectrum of the Be star 
         gamma Cassiopeiae.

  Recently, T. P. Roark has started a series of photometric observations 
of selected Be stars with the Perkins 72-inch reflector to look for short-period 
variations. He is measuring uvby colors on the Strömgren system, plus H alpha 
spectrum scans with the Boyce scanner. Preliminary results show night to 
night variations in H alpha and the Strömgren c_1 index for several of the stars, 
with possible variations in (b-y).
  The need for more observations is obvious. The most valuable information 
would include simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations over 
continuous periods of time. Only in this way can any periodicities be sorted 
out from the random changes and the true causes of the variations finally be 


Abt, H. A. and Golson, J. C., 1966, Astrophys. J. 143, 306. 
Bowen, I. S., 1935, Astrophys. J. 81, 1.
Copeland, J. A. and Heard, J. F., 1963, Pub. David Dunlap Obs., 11, 317. 
Feinstein, A., 1968, Z. Astrophys., 68, 29.
Hutchings, J. B., 1967a, Observatory, 87, 273.
Hutchings, J. B., 1967b, Observatory, 87, 289.
Hutchings, J. B., 1968a, Monthly Notices R. astr. Soc., 141, 219 (in press). 
Hutchings, J. B., 1968b, Monthly Notices R. astr. Soc., 141, 329 (in press). 
Jackisch, G., 1963, Inf. Bul. Var. Stars no. 40. (IBVS N°.40)
Kumajgorodskaya, R. N., 1960, Izv. Krym. astrofiz. Obs., 24, 91. 
Kumajgorodskaya, R. N., 1962, Izv. Krym. astrofiz. Obs., 28, 135. 
Lacoarret, M., 1965, Ann. Astrophys. 28, 321.
Mannino, G. and Humblet, J., 1955, Ann. Astrophys., 18, 237. 
McLaughlin, D. B., 1958, "Etoiles á raies d'émission", U. de Liége, p. 231. 
McLaughlin, D. B., 1961, J. R. ast. Soc. Can., 55, 73. 
McLaughlin, D. B., 1963, Astrophys. J., 137, 1085. 
McLaughlin, D. B., 1966, Astrophys. J., 143, 285. 
Merrill, P. W., 1956, Vistas in Astronomy. (Pergamon Press), Vol. 2, 1375. 
Merrill, P. W. and Burwell, C. G., 1933, Astrophys. J., 78, 87. 
Oke, J. B., 1954, Astrophys. J., 120, 22.
Roman, N. G., 1951, Astrophys. J., 114, 492.
Schmidt, H., 1959, Z. Astrophys., 48, 249.
Slettebak, A., 1956, Astrophys. J., 124, 173.
Struve, O., 1931, Astrophys. J., 73, 94.
Struve, O. and Swings, P., 1940, Astrophys. J., 91, 546. 
Swings, P., 1942, Astrophys. J., 95, 112.
Swings, P. and Struve, O., 1941, Publ. astr. Soc. Pacific, 53, 35.
Underhill, A. B., 1955, Publ. Dom. astrophys. Obs. Victoria, 10, 169. 
Underhill, A. B., 1958a, "Etoiles á raies d'émission", U. de Liége, p. 17. 
Underhill, A. B., 1958b, Publ. Dom. astrophys. Obs. Victoria, 11, 143. 
Underhill, A. B., 1959, Publ. Dom. astrophys. Obs. Victoria, 11, 283. 
Underhill, A. B., 1961, Publ. Dom. astrophys. Obs. Victoria, 11, 353.
Underhill, A. B., 1966, "The Early Type Stars" (Reidel Pub. Co., Holland), pp. 242-245.
van den Bergh, S., 1968, Astrophys. J., 151, 1191. 
Wilson, R., 1958, Publ. R. Obs. Edinburgh. Vol. II, No. 3.


Bakos: How does rotational broadening effect line profiles?
Slettebak: At the present time, rotational broadening and line broadening due 
   to large-scale turbulent motions cannot be distinguished from a study of 
   individual line profiles. - Both mechanisms broaden lines in the same 
   way. Therefore it is impossible to asses the relative importance of these 
   two broadening agents in the Of stars. Although large-scale turbulence 
   probably dominates, rotation may also play a role in the line broadening
   of the Of stars.
Detre: We have some long runs of photoelectric measures of omicron Andromedae. 
   We have obtained only some random fluctuations smaller in amplitude 
   than 0.02 which are not correlated with Schmidt's period. The star seems
   to be not an eclipsing binary.
   As I have mentioned in my Introductory Report, there are some recent 
   theoretical papers considering magnetic effects in Of and Be stars, e.g., 
   the paper by Hazlehurst on the magnetic release of a ring. Have we
   some observational evidence about the shape of the shell?
Slettebak: In his study of Of stars (1954) J. B. Oke concluded from the 
   spectroscopic data that the emission lines probably arise in regions 
   where the fairly strong absorption lines are formed and not more than 
   one or two stellar radii above the star. I do not know of observational 
   evidence regarding the actual shape of the emitting shell region, although 
   it seems unlikely that this is ring-shaped, as in the Be stars.
Bakos: gamma Cas is a visual binary with separation of about 20". Would be of 
   interest to obtain UBV magnitudes of this secondary?
Sahade: You mentioned the appearance of satellite lines in the spectrum of 29 
   CMa. Perhaps it is in order to remember that 29 CMa is a spectroscopic 
   binary and that there are variations in the absorption line intensities 
   probably due to the opacity of the gaseous streams in the system.
Milone: Are any of the Of stars magnetic variables?
Slettebak: I do not know of any measurement of magnetic fields in these objects.
Feast: There appears to be a much higher ratio of Of stars to normal 
   O stars amongst runaway stars than amongst non-runaway stars. This could 
   point to higher than average masses for the Of stars though the 
   difficulties - determining velocities of Of stars must be borne in mind.
Hutchings: Line radial velocity measurements of the Of stars HD 151804, 
   HD 152408 show a range in velocities, correlated with the excitation potential
   of the lines. This suggests a spherically symmetrical expanding envelope 
   and strong line profiles computed with such a model match the observations, 
   with a small rotation - v sin i of the order of 50 km/sec.
Almár: Are there any curve of growth analyses of Of stars showing large 
   turbulent velocity ?
Slettebak: I do not know.