Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars

                                              IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                            V. S. OSKANIAN
          Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Armenia, USSR

  One of the means to investigate the flare phenomenon of the UV Ceti 
stars is to study its photometric light-curve characteristics, for it 
can be supposed that in principle the form of the light-curve depends on 
the type of process taking place on the star. Such studies have already 
been made (Chugainov, 1962; Oskanian, 1957; Roques, 1961). It is 
noteworthy, that all of them were not dealing with the light-curve as a 
whole but with its decreasing branch only. Moreover, the number of 
curves studied in this way has been very limited.
  The number of precise photoelectric observations increased significantly 
during the last few years resulting in the discovery of a great variety 
of forms of flare light-curves. This fact called for a rather different 
approach to the study of light-curves. (An example of such a new 
approach is W. Kunkel's (1967) attempt to treat the curves as composed 
from two - slow and fast - superposed components). Now it seems more 
correct to substitute the detailed study of single curves by a 
classification of them, based on such parameters which can be determined 
for all kinds of flare curves. In this case, the study of details of 
light-curves should be renounced as it can be supposed that their 
general features are more substantial than the small amplitude details.
  The aim of the present paper is to propose one of the possible kinds of 
classification of flare light-curves. The proposed classification is 
based on the following two parameters of the light-curve:
  a) the rate of brightness-increase;
  b) the character of the decreasing branch of the light-curve.
  Four types of photometric light-curves can be defined by means of these 
two parameters. Two of them may be considered as extremal in the sense 
that they possess extremal values of the parameter "a" and substantially 
different parameters "b", while the other two types should be regarded 
as intermediate.
  These four types of flare light-curves could be denoted by I, II, III, 
IV and defined as follows:*

* A third parameter t/T (t the time of rise from normal state to maximum 
and T the duration of the whole flare) could be used as well, but it 
seems that it is less precise than the proposed two parameters for the 
following reasons:

1. It is difficult to determine the precise moment of ending of the 
flare, i.e. the right value of T.
2. A prolonged "tail" of the flare, that appears sometimes, can make 
this parameter rather indefinite.
  Nevertheless, it is quite obvious that on the average the value of this 
parameter should increase with the increasing number of curve types, 
attaining a value of about 0.5 for Type IV curves.
  Type I. This type is characterized by a great rate of brightness-increase 
(in the studied cases this rate was between 5 and 1 magnitudes per 
minute). The brightness-decrease starts immediately after the maximum 
and takes place with the same rapidity as the increase, producing thus a 
very sharp maximum. The rate of decrease slows down only in the final 
phase of the flare. In the stellar magnitude scale the decreasing branch 
of the curve can be approximated by two straight lines. In other words, 
if one tries to represent the decreasing branch - expressed in intensity 
scale - by the formula

                       I = IM e^-alpha(t-tM),	(1)

it would be necessary to choose two different values of alpha in order to 
approximate the curve of this type (Chugainov, 1962). 
       Examples of Type I curves are given on Fig. 1.

                           Fig. 1

  Type IV. Being the other extremal case, this type of curves is characterized 
by a very small rate of brightness-increase (not greater than some tenths of 
magnitude per minute), a flat maximum and a small rate of brightness-decrease. 
In the stellar magnitude scale the decreasing branch can be approximated by a 
single straight line. The approximation by formula (1) can be realized by using
a single value of alpha.
  Examples of Type IV curves are given on Fig. 2.

                           Fig. 2

  Type II. The curves of this type seem to be composed of curves of Types 
I and IV, the first part of the curve having Type I and the second part 
Type IV characteristics. The transition from Type I to Type IV is very 
rapid and takes place at different phases of the decreasing branch. 
  Examples of Type II curves are given on Fig. 3.

                             Fig. 3

  Type III. By its appearance - especially by its relatively sharp maximum - the
curves of this type are very similar to those of Type I, but they differ from 
the last ones by their smaller rate of brightness-increase (nearly always 
smaller than one magnitude per minute). In the stellar magnitude scale the 
decreasing branch can be approximated by a single straight line, i.e., by 
one value of alpha in formula 1.
  Examples of Type III curves are given on Fig. 4.

                             Fig. 4

  A list of 30 flares classified by means of the two mentioned parameters is 
given in Table I. It should be noted that the accuracy of data used to prepare 
this Table was not sufficiently homogeneous, so that some unessential 
changes - especially in the values of Delta m/Delta t - could be allowed. 
The uncertainty in the classification of flare No. 21 should also be ascribed 
to the impossibility of getting more accurate data from the published curves.

                             Table I

A = No.
B = Delta m / Delta t
C = Type
D = Delta m_B
E = Star
F = Date
G = Author
 A      B      C   D      E              F           G  

 1     5.2     I  1.56  YZ CMi    24.    I. 1968  Osawa et al.
 2     5.1     I  1.52  UV Cet    26.   IX. 1965  Chugainov
 3     4.9     I  1.23  EV Lac    21.   IX. 1960  Chugainov
 4     4.8    II  1.12  YZ CMi     4.   II. 1968  Oskanian
 5     3.0    II  1.51  YZ CMi    29.    I. 1968  Eksteen
 6     3.0     I  0.90  EV Lac    21.   IX. 1960  Chugainov
 7     2.9     I  2.88  EV Lac    27. VIII. 1962  Chugainov
 8     2.6     I  1.32  YZ CMi     5.   II. 1968  Osawa et al.
 9     2.3     I  2.29  EV Lac    19.  VII. 1960  Chugainov
10     2.2     I  1.10  UV Cet    20.   IX. 1965  Chugainov
11     1.8     I  1.90  UV Cet    24.   IX. 1965  Chugainov
12     1.8    II  1.83  YZ CMi    23.    I. 1968  Eksteen
13     1.8     I  0.54  EV Lac     4.    X. 1961  Chugainov
14     1.5    II  0.81  EV Lac    14.   IX. 1961  Chugainov
15     1.4     I  2.86  EV Lac    27. VIII. 1962  Chugainov
16     1.4    II  1.39  YZ CMi     5.   II. 1968  Osawa et al.
17     1.3     I  1.52  EV Lac    31.  VII. 1962  Chugainov
18     1.2     I  0.81  EV Lac    17.    X. 1961  Chugainov
19     1.1     I  0.56  YZ CMi     1.  III. 1968  Cristaldi
20     0.7   III  0.72  EV Lac     6.   IX. 1961  Chugainov
21     0.6 III I  0.63  EV Lac     1.   IX. 1961  Chugainov
22     0.6   III  0.36  YZ CMi    26.    I. 1968  Oskanian
23     0.5   III  0.33  YZ CMi    23.   II. 1968  Oskanian
24     0.5   III  2.30  EV Lac    18. VIII. 1960  Chugainov
25     0.4   III  0.70  EV Lac     7. VIII. 1961  Chugainov
26     0.4   III  0.75  V 1216 Sgr 28.   VI. 1961  Grigorian,
27     0.2   III  3.21  YZ CMi    24.   II. 1968  Oskanian
28     0.14   IV  0.39  YZ CMi    29.    I. 1968  Eksteen
29     0.1   III  0.75  EV Lac    18. VIII. 1963  Chugainov
30     0.06   IV  0.46  YZ CMi     4.   II. 1968  Oskanian

  Nevertheless, the data listed in Table I allow the following qualitative 

  a) The rate of brightness-increase is greater than one magnitude per minute 
for the curves of Type I and Type II, and less than this value for the curves 
of Type III and Type IV.
  b) There are some reasons to suppose that curves of Type IV appear 
really more rarely than those of other types. As to the frequency 
distribution of curves of different types (Table II) resulting from 
Table I, it can not pretend to be a real one, owing to the sampling 
effect caused by the suppression of a number of small amplitude flares.

                             Table II

 Type    Number of flares      Mean values of Delta m_B
   I            14                      1.42
  II             5                      1.33
 III             9                      1.08
  IV             2                      0.43
  c) There is no obvious correlation between the amplitude of light-variation 
and curve-type. Nevertheless, it seems that the mean values of Delta m_B 
for different types of curves show tendency to diminish from Type I to Type IV. 
But, because of the above mentioned sampling effect, this conclusion too must 
be accepted with some precaution.
  It should be noted, at last, that in some rare cases the light-curve can 
not be classified according to this classification. But in these cases too 
the proposed classification does not lose its value, as the mentioned curves 
are nearly always a combination of two or more curves of the types defined by 
this classification.
  So, for instance, the curve represented on Figure 5 can be interpreted 
as a superposition of two Type I curves.

                             Fig. 5


Chugainov, P. 1962. Izv. Krym. astr. Obs. XXVIII., 150.
Kunkel, W. 1967. Thesis, Univ. of Texas, Austin.
Oskanian, V. 1957. Nestacinarnie zvjozdi, Ac. Sc. of Armenia, Erevan. 
Roques, P. 1961. Astrophys. J. 133, 914.


Godoli: Could it be possible, to approximate the decreasing part of your type 
        I flare light curves by an exponential function instead of two linear 

Oskanian: In intensity scale you need two exponential functions, in stellar 
          magnitude scale two straight lines,