Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars

                                           IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968


                              P. F. CHUGAINOV

                    Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, USSR

    Since 1967 the Working Group on UV Cet-type stars has organized and 
carried out runs of 24-hour photometric observations of these stars. Our 
aim is to study the time distribution of flares.
    The following observers took part in the observations:
Australia: members of the Astronomical Society of N.S.W., coordinators 
    C. S. Higgins and G. E. Patston.
Italy: Catania Observatory, G. Godoli.
Japan: Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, K. Osawa et al.
New Zealand: Mt. John Observatory and amateur astronomers, coordinator 
    F. M. Bateson.
South Africa: Boyden Observatory, J. P. Eksteen.
U.S.A.: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, L. H. Solomon. Steward 
    Observatory, B. Westerlund.
U.S.S.R.: Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, V. S. Oskanjan. Crimean 
    Astrophysical Observatory P. F. Chugainov.
    At present, several other observatories have agreed to take part in 
future programmes.

        Fig. 1. Time coverage of the material on YZ CMi

  Up to now two observational campaigns have been carried out: September 
26-October 10, 1967, UV Cet and January 22-February 6, 1968, YZ CMi. 
During the first period 50.5 per cent of total time was covered by 
observations. 17.9 per cent being photoelectric and 32.6 per cent 
photographic and visual observations. Only photoelectric observations 
were made during the second period, the coverage being 29.5 per cent of 
the total time.
  Most of the observational results have been published in I.B.V.S. 
(1968). The study of the time distribution of flares has been carried 
out by K. Osawa et al. (1968). At the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory 
A. A. Korovyakovskaya and the Author have analyzed the observations from 
both periods. Now we have completed the study of the material on YZ CMi.
  We used the autocorrelation analysis in order to study the time 
distribution of flares. The observational period was divided into equal 
time intervals tau. tau = 30 minutes was adopted. For the periods of 15 days 
the total number of time intervals was equal to 720. Energies I emitted 
for each interval were computed according to observational data. One can 
see that I = I_norm if the flares are absent, and I = I_norm + I_flare in 
the presence of a flare, I_norm, I_flare being the integrated energies 
emitted by the star and flare, respectively. For each time interval i, 
the quantity

was determined where
Autocorrelation functions

were computed, using u_i for those time intervals which had been covered 
by observations. The computations were carried out with an electronic 
computer Minsk-1. Earlier, such method was used by Lukatskaya (1967) for 
the analysis of light curves of irregular variables of RW Aur and U 
  The variation of r_k with k is shown in Fig. 2. The obtained curve 
differs from that which could be expected in the case of Poisson's 
distribution of flares in time. Therefore, it gives rather good evidence 
of periodicity of flares. On the curve, there are six maxima repeating 
almost periodically, the period being about 14 tau, i.e. 7 hours.
  We have tried different elements in order to represent the times of 
observed flares. The following elements have been found to be the best 

  Time of max. (UT) = Jan. 23 (1968), 2	+ 6h50m24s X E.

The representation obtained is shown in Table 1. It is seen that in 
several cases two or even three flares were observed near the times 
given by the elements. In such cases, if the energies of flares are 
nearly equal, the mean time of maxima was adopted as the observed time. 
If the energy of one flare of the

                            Table 1. Flares of YZ CMi

Observer	Time of max.   Integral energy	     O-C
	      of flare, U. T.  of flare, minutes	

Eksteen	      Jan. 23, 21h29.6m	19.2	            
	               22h09.0m	 1.3	
	               23h23.6m  0.4	

Osawa et al.  Jan. 24, 17h22.5m	 0.35	
	               17h34.2m	 0.25	
	               17h56.7m	 3.5	           -0h04m

Osawa et al.  Jan. 25, 12h53.2m	 0.7 	           -1h13m
	               13h42.7m	 0.25	

Oskanjan      Jan. 26, 19h17.0m	 1.5	           +1h24m

Eksteen	      Jan. 29,  0h29.7m        1.4	   -0h07m

Eksteen	      Jan. 29, 20h29.7m	 1.4	
	               21h39.7m	14.0	           +0h32m

Osawa et al.  Jan. 31, 12h23.4m	 0.3               -1h36m	
	               12h45.5m	 0.3	

Chugainov     Jan. 31, 19h58.0m        0.23	   -1h03m

Chugianov     Feb.  1, 18h21.0m        0.32	   +0h49m

Osawa et al.  Feb.  2, 15h58.9m	 0.15	           +1h55m

Eksteen	      Feb.  2, 19h14.3m	 0.6	           -1h41m

Chugainov     Feb. 3,  22h49.0m	 0.68	           -1h26m

Oskanjan      Feb. 4,  20h36.2m	 5.0	
	               21h13.4m	15.0	           -0h26m

Osawa et al.  Feb. 5,  10h45.0m	 7.0	           -0h35m
	               11h20.0m	 5.0	
	               12h14.9m	 0.35	

group is essentially greater than that of the others, then O-C was 
computed only for this flare and the others were neglected. The mean O-C 
was obtained to be 1h 06m. The tendency of flares to form groups was 
noticed by Osawa et al. (1968).

                             Fig. 2.

  The period of repetition of flares was found to be 20.2h by Osawa et al. 
(1968). Andrews (1966) found from observations of YZ CMi in 1966 that 
the intervals between flares were equal to 47h, 73h or 122h. These data 
do not contradict our result because 6h50m24s X 3 = 20.5h, 6h50m24s X 7 
= 47.9h, 6h50m24s X 11 = 75.2h and 6h50m24s X 18 = 123.1h. It is obvious 
that Andrews and Osawa have found periods which are divisible by our 
period. Our result shows the importance of making observations at 
several observatories located at different longitudes.
  We have tried to represent the times of flares of YZ CMi observed by 
Andrews in 1966. It was found that the elements:
  Time of max (UT) = Feb. 21 (1966), 18h 32m + 6h 38.9m X E, represent all 
the flares observed, with a mean deviation of 1h 22m. 


Andrews, A. D., 1966, Publ. astron. Soc. Pacific 78, 324. 
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars nos. 264, 265, 267, 268. 1968.
(IBVS N°.264)
(IBVS N°.265)
(IBVS N°.267)
(IBVS N°.268)
Lukatskaya, F. I., 1967, Perem. Zvezdy, 16, 168.
Osawa, K., Ichimura, K., Noguchi, T., and Watanabe, E., 1968, Tokyo astr. Bull.,
       Second Series no. 180.