Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
                                                IAU Colloquium, Budapest 1968

                       ULTRAVIOLET EXCESS STARS*

                            MERLE F. WALKER

              Lick Observatory, University of California+

  In a previous paper (Walker 1966), the results of the writer's 
spectroscopic study of the UV excess stars in the Orion Nebula and in 
NGC 2264 were outlined. These stars form a subgroup of the T Tau class 
of variables and like the T Tau stars are extremely young objects still 
in the process of contracting gravitationally from the pre-stellar 
medium. Apart from the UV excess itself, the spectra of the UV excess 
stars are similar to those of normal T Tau variables, having emission 
lines of hydrogen, Ca II, and sometimes helium, Fe I, and an underlying 
late-type absorption spectrum which is partially totally obscured by a 
blue continuum. However, unlike the regular T Tau variables which 
occasionally display a P Cyg spectrum with violet-displaced absorption 
lines, 10 out of a sample of 23 UV excess stars showed, at least at 
times, an inverse P Cyg or "YY Ori" spectrum. In these objects, the 
emission lines tend to have approximately the radial velocity of the 
cluster, while redward-displaced absorption lines of hydrogen and 
sometimes Ca II are observed having radial velocities of 150 to 400 
km/sec more positive than the cluster velocity. Explanation in terms of 
binary motion appears ruled out by the fact that except for observations 
of YY Ori on two dates, the absorption lines are always displaced to the 
red. Thus, it has been assumed that whereas the P Cyg spectrum in 
regular T Tau stars indicates ejection of material from the star, the 
inverse P Cyg spectrum in the UV excess stars indicates actual infall of 

* Contributions from the Lick Observatory, No. 292
+ On leave, during 1968-1969, at Cerro Tololo Inter-American 
  Observatory, La Serena, Chile.

  The fact that the inverse P Cyg spectrum is observed only among the UV 
excess stars suggests that the UV excess itself results in some way from 
the infall, while the fact that the phenomenon tends to occur among the 
intrinsically brighter UV excess stars suggests that the interaction of 
the infalling material with the star causes the system to brighten, the 
stars with the larger amounts of infalling material being affected the 
most. If this interpretation is correct, then we might expect that if 
the rate of infall is variable, a correlation ought to exist between the 
brightness of the star and the intensity of the inverse P Cyg absorptions.
  To investigate this question, spectra were obtained of SU Ori, one of the 
more rapid light-variables among the UV excess stars showing the inverse 
P Cyg lines. Table 1 lists the spectroscopic and photometric observations of 
this star. The spectra were obtained with the prime-focus spectrograph of 
the 120-inch reflector and a grating and camera giving a dispersion of 96 A/mm.
The spectrum was recorded on baked Kodak IIaO plates or film. The photometric 
observations were derived from photovisual plates taken simultaneously by 
the observer at the 20-inch Carnegie astrograph, or by Mr. Harlan using 
a yellow-corrected aerial camera lens. The magnitudes of the variable were 
obtained by measuring the plates in a Sartorius photometer, using as standards 
stars in the region for which photoelectric observations were available 
(Walker 1968).

                            Table 1
      Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of SU Ori

 Plate No.    Date (UT)      Exp.        (km/sec)                 V	
                            (min)                               (mag)
                                    em.          abs.

ES-384	     Jan. 27, 1963   165   -40  +- 8	+332 +-14	14.5
ES-926	     Nov. 30, 1964   206   + 3  +- 2	---^1	        15.3
ES-936*	     Jan. 27, 1965   107   + 1  +-13	---	        15.3
ES-950	     Jan. 30, 1965   330   +53  +- 3	---^1	        15.0
ES-953	     Jan. 31, 1965   285   +39  +- 5	+382 +-11     14.5-15.0
ES-1206	     Jan. 19, 1966   257   +17  +- 7	---^1            15.6

  * Plate underexposed, only emission lines visible. Omitted from Figure 1. 
  ^1 Absorption spectrum absent.

  The five best spectra are reproduced in Figure 1, where they are arranged 
in order of decreasing brightness. The observations show that there is indeed 
a correlation between the brightness of the star and the presence and intensity
of the redward-displaced absorption lines. A similar result is suggested by 
the existing observations of XX Ori, listed in Table 2. The data for this star 
are less satisfactory since only three plates are available and since 
the photometric observations consist merely of relatively crude visual 
estimates at the telescope, comparing the variable to other stars in the field. 
Nevertheless, it again appears that the inverse P Cyg spectrum disappears 
when the star becomes faint. Thus, the observations appear to confirm 
the hypothesis that material is falling into these stars at a variable rate 
and that an increase in infall causes the system to brighten.

                            Table 2

      Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of XX Ori

 Plate No.    Date (UT)      Exp.        (km/sec)                 V	
                            (min)                               (mag)
                                    em.          abs.

ECL-218*     Nov. 21, 1962   120   +50  +- 5	---^1	        14.6
ES-312	     Nov. 22, 1962   124   +20  +- 6	+333 +-9        14.6
ES-402	     Feb. 27, 1963   127   - 6  +- 3	---^2	        15.1

  * Plate taken with Lallemand electronic camera and coudé spectrograph; 
    dispersion 48 A/mm.
  ^1 Absorption spectrum present, but too weak to measure.
  ^2 Absorption spectrum absent.


Fig. 1. Spectra of SU Ori showing disappearance of the redward-displaced 
        absorption lines of hydrogen and ionized calcium with decreasing 
        brightness of the star. From top to bottom the plates and magnitudes 
        are: ES-384, V = 14.5; ES-953, V = 14.5-15.0; ES-950, V = 15.0; 
        ES-926, V = 15.3; ES-1206, V = 15.6. 

  That complications to this simple picture exist is shown by the radial 
velocity measurements. The large negative radial velocity of the emission 
lines of SU Ori on plate ES-384, when the "YY Ori" lines are strong, might be 
explained by encroachment of the absorption lines onto the red side of the 
emission features. However, Table 1 shows that considerable variation of the 
emission lines occurs which is not correlated with the brightness of the star 
or the intensity of the inverse P Cyg lines.
  The nature of these stars is clearly very complex, and their observation 
is difficult owing both to their faintness (the brightest of them is about 
B = 14) and to the irregular nature of their variations; Table 1 shows that 
observations of SU Ori had to be continued over three observing seasons 
before plates covering a large range in magnitude could be obtained. Thus, a 
long period of study with large telescopes will be required before we will 
possess the necessary observational data for an understanding of this very 
interesting stage in the gravitational contraction phase of stellar evolution.


Walker, M. F., 1966, Stellar Evolution. Ed. Cameron, A. G. W., and Stein, R. F., 
        New York: Plenum Press, p. 405.
Walker, M. F., 1968, Astrophys. J., (in press). 155, 447