Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
					IAU Colloquium, Budapest, 1968



		Introductory Report by

		     L. DETRE

	  Konkoly Observatory, Budapest

The subject of this Colloquium is similar to that of the third IAU 
Symposium on Non-Stable Stars, held 13 years ago in Dublin. At that 
time, the subject was limited to certain areas of particular interest. 
Now, we are trying to pay attention to the complex of non-periodic 
phenomena in variable stars. Dr. Herbig (1968), in his announcement of 
this Colloquium, has given an excellent summary of the topics in which 
we are concerned in these days.
Since then, the pulsating radio sources are added to our field, as they 
are most likely stars and they show in the amplitude of the pulses 
random fluctuations, that according to recent spaced receiver 
observations by Australian radio astronomers (Slee et al. 1968) take 
their origin predominantly at or near the sources themselves, and not in 
the intervening interplanetary or interstellar media.
Not long before, it was generally believed that stellar variability is 
only significant, if the variation exhibits a sizeable amplitude and 
(or) a certain amount of regularity. We shall adopt a different 
approach: random phenomena occurring both in variable and non-variable 
stars are of the same importance as regular large-scale phenomena, not 
only in the case when they result in such spectacular events as 
eruptions of novae or novoids, stellar flares, or the phenomena 
connected with the R Coronae Borealis stars, but also when they appear 
as small changes in the shape or position of spectral lines or in the 
periods of periodic variables, because these minute effects might be the 
manifestations of fundamental hydrodynamic or magnetic circulations in 
the star or signs of a star's rotational instability. In this way the 
frequency, intensity, or extent of random stellar phenomena may show 
cycles or pseudoperiods, as for example the solar magnetic activity with 
all its random manifestations like spots, plages, prominences and 
flares, has a 22 year cycle, and the irregular velocity and brightness 
oscillations in the photosphere of the sun have a pseudo-period of about 
5 minutes. Other periodicities may sometimes be imposed on the 
observable effects of stellar random phenomena by stellar rotation, 
binary motion, or by some interaction with pulsation.
Any observed data representing a physical phenomenon, e.g. a light curve 
or radial velocity curve of a variable star, can be classified as being 
either deterministic or nondeterministic. Deterministic data can be 
described by an explicit mathematical relationship. They are either 
periodic or nonperiodic. The simplest periodic phenomenon has a 
sinusoidal time history and a frequency spectrum (that is an 
amplitude-frequency plot) consisting of a single frequency. Generally 
the spectrum of periodic data contains besides a fundamental 
frequency, f, its multiples. Almost periodic data, when the effects of 
two or more unrelated periodic phenomena are mixed, can be similarly 
characterized by a discrete frequency spectrum. For the determination of 
these frequencies different methods of harmonic analysis can be applied. 
For transient nonperiodic data, as e.g. the light curve of a flare, a 
discrete spectral representation is not possible. However, a continuous 
spectral representation can be obtained from a Fourier integral given by


where m(t) is the light curve, X (f) is the Fourier spectrum.
We can consider irregular stellar variability as the observable effect 
of random succession of transitory events. On the sun and some types of 
variable stars, e.g. novae, U Geminorum, R Coronae Borealis and flare 
stars, these events can be observed separately. Solar activity can be 
followed even spatially separated. But generally, only the intermingling 
of many local and global transitory events can be observed in the stars 
as a continuously varying irregular light curve.

Also such a random time series m = m(t) can be represented by a 
complicated mathematical relationship over a time interval (0, T). But 
the formula will not hold for t > T. We obtain for different time 
intervals different formulae, different sample records of the same 
random process. Therefore, it is more practical to characterize a random 
time series by some simple parameters:

1. Taking the mean value of m for a time interval (0, T)


and putting mean(m) = 0 we can define the variance, as the mean square value 
about the mean, by


The positive square root of the variance is called the standard deviation.

2. The probability density function describes the probability that the 
data will assume a value within some defined range at any instant of 
time. The probability that m(t) assumes a value within the range between 
m and m + Delta m may be obtained by taking the ratio T_(m, m + Delta m) / T , 
where T_(m, m + Delta m) is the total amount of time that m(t) falls inside 
the range (m, m + Delta m) during an observation time T.

3. The autocorrelation function describes the general dependence of the 
values of the data at one time on the values at another time. An 
estimate for the autocorrelation between the values of m(t) at times t 
and t + tau may be obtained by taking the product of the two values and 
averaging over the observation time T. In equation form: 


R(tau) is an even function with a maximum at tau = 0.

4. For stationary data, i.e. for data characterized by time-independent 
parameters, we can construct the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation 


Pi(f) is called the power spectral density function. That is a breakdown of the 
light curve into sinusoidal components and gives the mean squared amplitude 
of each component. 

In the first column of Fig. 1. we see four special light curves, a sine 
wave (a), a sine wave with superposed irregularity (b), a narrow-band random 
light curve having cycles of nearly equal length (c), and a wide-band random 
light curve with strongly different cycles (d). 
In the next column of Fig. 1. we see the corresponding probability density 
function plots. For the sine wave we have the maxima for p(m) at the 
extremities, because the curve varies slowly there. 
Next to the right we see the autocorrelograms. The sharply 
peaked autocorrelogram diminishing rapidly to zero (d) is typical of 
wide-band random data with a zero mean value. The autocorrelogram for 
the sine wave with random noise is simply the sum of the 
autocorrelograms for the sine wave and random noise separately (b). On 
the other hand, the autocorrelogram for the narrow-band random light 
curve appears like a decaying version of a sine wave autocorrelogram. 
Finally we see the corresponding power spectra. A discrete power 
spectrum for a sine wave and a relatively smooth and broad power 
spectrum for the wide-band random light curve. The power spectrum for 
the sine wave with irregularities is the sum of the power spectra for 
the sine wave and the random case separately. On the other hand, the 
power spectra for the narrow band random light curve is sharply peaked, 
but still smoothly continuous as for random light-curve. The period 
corresponding to the peak may be called as pseudo-period. The four 
examples illustrate a definite trend in all the three parameters going 
from the sine wave to the wide-band noise case. 
The principal application for an autocorrelation and for a power spectral 
density function is the detection of periodicities which might be masked in a 
random background. Any periodicity in the light variation will manifest 
itself as a series of peaks corresponding to a fundamental and its 
Such method of analysis requires enormous amount of computation, 
hence it has not been popular in the past. With the aid of high speed 
computers this is no longer a problem. However, the requirements 
of accuracy, extent, continuity, and reasonable homogeneity for the light 
curve to be analysed restrict considerably the applicability of the method 
to semiregular or irregular variable stars. Only one single semiregular 
variable was till now treated by this way, mu Cephei, on the one hand 
by Ashbrook, Duncombe and Woerkom (1954), who found the light curve to result
from stochastic rather than harmonic processes, on the other hand by Sharpless, 
Riegel and Williams (1966) with the conclusion that the light variations are
characterized by a much greater degree of regularity than is generally 
attributed to stars classed as semiregular variables.


Fig. 1. Light curves, corresponding probability density functions,
autocorrelograms and power spectra  (s. text).

Lukatskaya (1966) has investigated the autocorrelation and spectral functions
of seven T Tauri-type variables and those of AE Aqr (1968), Kurochkin (1962) 
those of T Orionis, and on this colloquium we shall hear Dr. Plagemann 
on the same topic. 
A very important question is, are the parameters of the light curves of 
irregular variables constant in time, or are they changing. Tsessevitch and 
Dragomineskaya (1967) investigated the light variation of 10 RW Aurigae stars 
on sky patrol photographs of the Odessa, Harvard, Dushanbe and Sonneberg 
observatories. They prepared probability density functions for several stars, 
finding longterm variations of this function, with cycles of 25 to 60 years. 
Hence, light curves of some irregular variables represent nonstationary data. 
A particular random process is the so called Markov process. The property 
that distinguishes Markov processes from more general random ones can be 
described in non-mathematical form like this: If we know the present state of 
the process, and want to make predictions about its future, then information 
about the past has no predictive value, i.e. the process has no memory, its 
relationship to the past does not extend beyond the immediately preceding 
observation. We have a beautiful example for Markov processes in astronomy, 
the O-C diagrams for periodic variables, if the period or phase fluctuations 
are random, and independent from the preceding ones.
If we are able to determine the length of many individual cycles of a 
variable star, as for example in the case of continuously observed 
Mira-variables, we can test directly whether successive periods fluctuate 
accidentally or not. Moreover we can also determine the probability 
density function of the phase-fluctuations: psi(f). For cepheids, 
eclipsing binaries and every kind of short-period variables we must get 
every information for period-changes from the study of O-C diagrams. 
These are for most types of periodic variables determined by the 
cumulative effects of random phase fluctuations. At the Bamberg 
Colloquium we have shown how the probability structure of the O-C 
diagram could be determined using the central limit theorem of 
probability theory (Balázs-Detre and Detre, 1965). The structure depends 
on the mean square value of the phase fluctuations, sigma, where 


but it is highly independent from psi(f). O-C diagrams resulting from random 
phase-fluctuations consist of cycles of different lengths and amplitudes. 
(See Fig. 2, showing the O-C diagrams of three W Virginis-type variables: 
RU Cam, AP Herculis and kappa Pavonis.)


Fig. 2. O-C diagrams for three W Virginis-type variables, RU Cam,
AP Her and kappa Pav. That for AP Her is taken from Kwee (1967). For RU 
Cam, the strongly oscillating phase corresponds to the recent 
semiregular behaviour of the star.

Till now we have no evidence of evolutionary period-changes for most 
kinds of variables. Some cyclic terms in the O-C diagrams can be interpreted 
as due to binary or apsidal motion, but generally they must be treated as 
cumulative effects of random fluctuations. The value of sigma can be 
determined from the O-C diagrams. 
Several attempts have been made to represent the time sequence of explosions
of eruptive variables by a Markov chain. Yet, as Mme Lortet-Zuckermann (1966) 
has stated, the Markov chain seemed poorly adapted for the representation 
of the sequence of the various sorts of explosions of the SS Cygni stars. 
Stellar variability refuses compliance with simple mathematical models.
The maxima or minima of an ideally irregular variable would be distributed 
at random, and the cycle lengths l would follow a Poisson-distribution:


Sterne (1934) has shown that the minima of R Coronae Borealis fulfill 
this condition. But this conclusion is only true if the minima are 
independent events, and this is certainly not the case, if the minima 
are not well separated.
We see that all analyses of this kind, with the exception of the search 
of hidden periodicities or changes of the statistical parameters in 
time, are rather formal and do not say much about the physical nature of 
the stars, since objects of the most various kinds may show similar 
light curves. Combined spectroscopic and photometric, sometimes radio 
observations are needed to reveal the real nature of some objects with 
irregular light variation. Such combined efforts often lead to 
surprising results. I mention the beautiful interpretation of V Sagittae 
by Herbig, Preston, Smak and Paczynski (1965), who resolved the complex 
light variations of this star into three apparently independent 
activities, showing that the star is a peculiar nova-like eclipsing 
binary. VV Puppis, a star formerly classified as an RR Lyrae variable, 
was interpreted by Herbig (1960) likewise as a nova-like double star. In 
June 1967 Deutsch (1967) has reported that the spectrum of CH Cygni, 
classified earlier as a semiregular a-type variable, changed from a 
normal M6 type into that of a symbiotic nova-like star. The star now 
shows rapid light variations in the ultraviolet (Wallerstein 1968b). 
Using new high quality spectrograms, Herbig (1966) succeeded in 
interpreting the 1936 flare-up of Wachmann's star, FU Orionis, as a 
phenomenon of early stellar evolution, a pre-main-sequence collapse in 
conformity with Hayashi and Cameron's ideas of early stellar evolution. 
Two irregular variables have recently been identified as radio sources: 
BW Tauri by Penston (1968) and BL Lacertae by Schmitt (1968)*.

* BW Tau = 3C120, BL Lac = VRO 42.22.01.

These examples go to show that we need in many cases special 
interpretations for individual objects. Yet, we also have some general 
principles for trying the physical interpretation of broad classes of 
non-periodic phenomena in variable stars. These attempts can be 
classified into four categories:

1. Solar analogies. An increasing convergence is apparent between the 
fields of stellar physics and solar physics, stellar analogues of solar 
phenomena are becoming the subjects of specific researches. I mention a 
recent interesting paper by Godoli (1967) at the Padova 1967 conference.

2. Irregular phenomena connected with or caused by the binary nature of 
the star, as eruptions of different kinds or other irregularities 
associated with gaseous material streaming between the components in 
very short-period binaries and in symbiotic variables, further, period 
variations in all kinds of eclipsing and spectroscopic binaries.

3. Irregularities connected with rotational instability of the 
equatorial region of a rapidly rotating star, as in Be, Of and 
Wolf-Rayet stars.

4. Veiling theories, put forward by Merrill for long-period variables* 
and considered by Loreta (1934) and O'Keefe (1939) in connection with R 
Coronae Borealis in terms of solid carbon particles.

* Merrill, P. W., Stellar atmospheres. The University of Chicago Press 
1960. p. 512.

The closest similarity between solar activity and irregular light 
variation in stars is that between solar flares and extremely sudden 
increases in the integrated brightness of some stars, mainly of flare 
and T Tau stars. Since Sir Lovell (1964) discovered that optical stellar 
flares are accompanied by radio bursts of the I, II and III solar type, 
it became very probable that flare stars show in a gigantic form the 
same kind of activity as the sun. The quite irregular light curve of 
T Tauri stars could be due to the superposition of very many flares, 
with a variation of the activity of the star, intermingled with effects 
of the neighbouring circumstellar material. We shall have introductory 
papers on this theme by Wenzel and Gershberg. I refer to a recent 
excellent review on flare stars by Haro (1967). Since the Prague meeting 
of the IAU, Commission 27 has under Chugainov's leadership a very well 
organized working group on UV Ceti type stars for cooperative radio and 
optical observations.
One of the most interesting possibilities for solar analogies is the 
extension of our concept of the chromosphere and of its activity to stars. 
The discovery of the Wilson-Bappu (1957) effect, a correlation over a range of
nearly 16 absolute magnitudes between the widths (and not the intensity)
of the emission cores of the H and K-lines of Calcium II and the visual 
absolute magnitude for stars of types G, K and M, has engendered considerable
effort to interpret this effect in terms of chromospheric macroturbulence
including all irregular, non-periodic or pseudo-periodic motions of the atoms
in a stellar atmosphere. Kraft, Preston and Wolff (1964) showed that a similar
correlation exists between the width of the hydrogen (H_alpha) absorption line
and the ultraviolet absolute magnitude. Recently Vaughan and Zirin (1968)
studied the infrared He line at lambda 10830 A which is the only line from 3000 
to 11 000 A that originates solely in the chromosphere, free of changes in an 
underlying photospheric line. Since the line is excited only at high temperatures, 
its presence is an excellent test for hot chromospheres in late-type stars.
The sun fits the Wilson-Bappu relation, but the intensity of K_2 emission
in the integrated light of the sun is very small and can be observed with high
dispersion only. In the spectra of many stars K_2 emission is observable even
with rather small dispersion, indicating that some stars possess much more 
active chromospheres than does the sun.
Leighton (1964) has shown that the K_2 emission on the sun occurs at 
the edge of supergranulation cells, where photospheric magnetic fields 
are sometimes found to be strengthened to the order of 100 gauss. There 
is a point-to-point correlation between chromospheric activity and the 
photospheric magnetic field strength. The Ca II network is not due to a 
circulation of matter in the chromosphere but due to a more general 
circulation which underlies the chromosphere. To the same effect points 
Bonsack and Culver's (1966) result that in K-type stars the widths of 
weak lines which do not have a chromospheric origin, are well correlated 
with the widths of K_2 emission or the strength of the infrared He-line.
Because this emission and the strength of the infrared He-line appear 
greatly enhanced in the region of solar plages and in this way it is well 
correlated with the 11-year solar cycle, a study of the nature of variability 
of the K_2 emission or of the He-line in other, stars should add substantially
to our understanding of both sun and stars.
That K_2 does indeed vary, has been established by Wilson and Bappu, by 
Griffin (1964), Deutsch, Vaughan, and most recently by Liller (1968), 
especially in the stars alpha Bootis, alpha Tauri and epsilon Geminorum. The 
type of variation noted has usually been a change in the relative intensities 
of the violet and red components of the K_2 emission, but there was little 
evidence of periodicity analogue to the solar cycle.
Transitory Ca II emission develops at the phase of minimum radius in 
cepheids and longperiod variables. The study of this phenomenon by 
Herbig (1952), Jacobsen (1956) and Kraft (1957) led Kraft (1967) at the 
IAU Symposium 28 to the interesting suggestion, that the behaviour of 
cepheids at this phase is an exaggeration of the disturbed sun. At the 
time of minimum radius the surface of the cepheids becomes covered with 
something like plages. As the cycle progresses, a shock wave moves 
through the atmosphere and all such solar-like disturbances disappear: 
the cepheid becomes an F-type star.
Some non-periodic secondary variations in eclipsing binaries were 
attributed to star spots (Kron, 1947, 1952). But these stars are not 
adapted for such investigations, because gas streams between and around 
the components may cause irregularities in the light curve.
Prominence activity was found in supergiant stars, for example in 31 
Cygni, which are components of eclipsing systems. When the star goes 
behind the atmosphere of the supergiant K3 star, at times several 
absorption components due to Calcium II H and K are seen, providing 
unmistakable evidence that bodies of gas moving with discrete velocities 
exist in its atmosphere (S. Underhill, 1960).
Mass loss in stars might bear a relation to the solar wind, which is a 
plasma extension of the solar corona moving outward at the velocity of 
about 500 km/sec carrying away a mass of about 10^-13 solar mass per year 
and the frozen-in magnetic fields from the sun. The solar wind has a 
steady continuous and an irregularly varying component. The evidence 
that considerable mass loss occurs in stars apart from novae, 
supernovae and close binaries, came from Deutsch's (1956) remarkable 
discovery of a set of circumstellar lines in the visual companion of the 
M supergiant alpha Herculis. There is now ample spectroscopic evidence for 
the efflux of cool gas from the surfaces of all giant stars
with spectral types later than M0 (Deutsch, 1966), at a rate of some 
10^-9 solar mass per year. Weyman (1962) pointed out the difficulties in 
the way of a solar wind explanation for these phenomena. More violent 
mass losses from stars are certainly not of the solar wind type. In some 
pulsating stars the pulsation shock can be so violent that the surface 
layer may be driven away from the star in a relatively small number of 
periods, as was shown by Christy (1965) for W Virginis stars. According 
to Paczynski and Ziólkowski (1968) Mira type variables may throw out 
their envelopes and in this way planetary nebulae might be formed. Mass 
loss may be the dominating factor in horizontal branch evolution rather 
than nuclear burning. Kuhi (1964, 1966) estimated the rate of mass loss 
from T Tauri stars at about 10^-7 solar mass per year. Spectra secured 
from rocket flights provided first evidence for the extremely violent 
ejection processes in the atmospheres of O and B-type supergiants and 
bright giants (Jenkins and Morton, 1967). We shall hear more on this 
subject next week in Trieste, where a Colloquium will be held on mass 
loss from stars.
The weak point of solar analogies is that solar phenomena are not yet 
quite understood. Yet, we can be certain of the magnetic nature of all 
processes of solar activity and that all its accompanying phenomena like 
spots, faculae, flares, the irregular component of solar wind, etc. are 
connected with local concentration as well as annihilation of magnetic 
fields. Hence it is very probable that also the analogous stellar 
phenomena are of magnetic origin.
Moreover, it becomes increasingly evident that magnetic fields may have 
a share also in other aspects of stellar irregularities. E.g., Merrill's 
veiling theory is supported by Serkowski's (1966a, b) recent discovery 
of large amounts of plane polarization in some Mira stars at minimum 
light. This polarization can be explained by graphite flakes, condensed 
in the atmosphere of these stars, presuming that they are aligned by 
stellar magnetic fields (Donn et al. 1966; Wickramasinghe 1968). 
Magnetic forces may play an important role in the formation of the 
envelopes of Be stars. Of course, Struve's (1931) suggestion of 
rotationally forced ejection in a star rotating at the rotational limit 
in which its equatorial rotational velocity is first sufficient to 
balance by centrifugal effects the gravitational attraction of the star 
at its equator, is correct. But an additional force is required to move 
the matter outward from the region just above the star's equator. The 
complex kinematic behaviour of the shell, the occurrence of stars such 
as Pleione, which seem able to lose and reform their shell at intervals, 
is particularly suggestive of the presence of forces which trend to 
drive the gases away from the star. Even quite weak magnetic fields 
could produce significant dynamical effects in such a shell (Crampin and 
Hoyle 1960; Limber and Marlborough 1968). Hazlehurst (1967) studied in a 
recent paper the magnetic release of a circumstellar ring, and he found 
that the gases describe a decelerated motion, compatible with the 
observed spectral properties of circumstellar shells. From the ultimate 
velocity of the material an observational determination of the magnetic 
field in the stellar photosphere will be possible.*

* About problems of irregular variations in light and radial velocity of 
Be, Of and WR stars I refer to the excellent book The Early Type Stars 
by Anne B. Underhill (Reidel Publishing Company, 1966).

We would have a better understanding of the observed period-variations 
in eclipsing binaries, if an adequate electromagnetic theory of the gaseous
streams in the systems had been elaborated. It appears from the work by 
Plavec and Schneller that the most erratic O-C diagrams are obtained for 
contact and undetached systems. If an O-C diagram has random walk 
properties, then the underlying physical processes that give rise to 
the random period fluctuations, are themselves random processes. Wood's 
hypothesis of mass ejection for the explanation of the period 
fluctuations, if the areas of ejection are distributed over the surface 
at random, fits the criterion of randomness, but the required masses are 
too high. However, we might have a very efficient agent for angular 
momentum changes in the interaction of the ionized gaseous streams 
moving around the components with the magnetic fields of the stars.
Magnetic fields might play an even greater role in hot short-period 
eruptive binaries and in symbiotic stars. Babcock measured a magnetic field 
of 1000 gauss in the symbiotic variable AG Pegasi. The configuration in 
eruptive binaries, a highly ionized disk, a strongly flickering hot component 
ejecting highly ionized material into the disk, might be extremely unstable, 
especially if the components have strong magnetic fields. It is just possible 
that the magnetic and gravitational instability of such a configuration might 
lead from time to time to major eruptions. According to my opinion the seat of
the eruptions might be the plasma surrounding the stars, not a stellar 
According to Ambarzumjan's (1954) hypothesis, the continuous emission 
observed in the spectra of the T Tauri type variables and UV Ceti type 
stars during their outbursts originates from relativistic electrons in 
the magnetic fields of these stars.
Random processes may influence the pulsation of the stars, giving rise 
to irregular fluctuations in the light and radial velocity curve and in 
the period. The triggering mechanism of the pulsation, which is sought 
in the convective layers of the stars, may especially be sensitive to 
magnetic activity.
Epstein (1950) has shown in an important paper that in highly centrally 
concentrated stellar models the period of the fundamental mode is 
determined primarily by conditions in the envelope and that the period 
is almost independent of conditions in the central regions where most of 
the mass is located. This result suggests that stellar pulsation, at 
least in giant and supergiant-like stars, is a fairly superficial 
phenomenon effecting only the outer stellar layers. The higher modes are 
even more sensitive to properties of the most external layers of the 
star, since these modes have higher relative amplitudes near the 
Indeed, red variables, where the outer layers play a great role, have 
very erratic light variation, whereas classical Cepheids and most RR 
Lyrae stars show very little if any irregularities.
Zhevakin introduced the peripheral zone of He II critical ionization 
as the excitation mechanism of the pulsation. He (1959) developed an 
interesting theory of semiregular and irregular variables. The period of 
oscillation of the inner region of the star is constant to a high degree 
of accuracy. The nonadiabatic oscillations of the atmosphere show 
relative to the adiabatic oscillations of the inner regions a phase 
shift, whose value depends primarily on how close is the ionization zone 
to the stellar surface. Random fluctuations in the position of the zone 
change the phase shift, and in this way the period of the outer zones 
will fluctuate about the period of oscillations of the inner region.
If the driving mechanism of the pulsation is affected by random 
perturbations, wee may expect a suppression of the amplitude of the 
pulsation relative to stars free from such perturbations. As it is well 
known, semiregular red variables differ from the longperiod variables 
only in their smaller amplitudes (Fig. 3).
The RR Lyrae-variables with the Blashko-effect have very complicated 
O-C diagrams. Though the Blashko-effect is a periodic phenomenon, it 
causes great random fluctuations both in the fundamental and in the 
secondary period (Fig. 4). As a period-amplitude diagram for RRab-stars 
in M3, taken from a paper by Szeidl (1965), shows (Fig. 5), the mean 
amplitudes of the RRab stars with Blashko-effect are much smaller than 
the amplitudes of RRab stars with stable light curves.
Babcock discovered a strongly variable, magnetic field in RR Lyrae 
which ranges from +1200 to -1600 gauss. Julia Balázs (1959) has shown 
that there was some correlation between Babcock's measures and the 
Blashko-effect of this star: the maximum positive and maximum negative 
fields were associated with the maximum and minimum light amplitudes, 


Fig. 3. Period-amplitude relation for longperiod (points) and semiregular 
     (crosses) variables in Sagittarius.


Fig. 4. O-C diagrams for the fundamental and secondary periods of RR Lyrae.

She made the proposal that RR Lyrae is an oblique rotator with a 
rotation period of 41 days, which is the period of the Blashko-effect. 
Preston (1967) has observed RR Lyrae for the Zeeman effect in 1963 and 
1964 some 50 times and has not once found a measurable field. Yet, this 
negative result does not disprove, that the Blashko-effect and the 
irregularities connected with it are of magnetic origin. As Fig. 6 
prepared by Szeidl shows, the Blashko-effect is a very erratic 
phenomenon, the amplitude of the phase variations and that of the 
maximum light variations are changing strongly from time to time, they 
are sometimes scarcely observable.* The same may happen with the 
magnetic field. In any case, the greatest part of magnetic activity 
might take place, as on the sun, below the photosphere.

* In RR Gem a strong Blashko-effect was observed till about 1937 which 
disappeared later.

For Delta Scuti variables and dwarf Cepheids we do not observe the 
suppression of the amplitude in stars with secondary periodicities, 
and such stars have the same simple O-C diagrams as variables with 
stable light curves. Here, the secondary periods may originate from non 
random influences, e.g. from tidal effects as proposed by Fitch (1962).


Fig. 5. Period-amplitude diagram for RRab stars in M3 according to Szeidl (1965) 
The dotted line shows the relation valid for stable light curves, the vertical
lines show the limits of A_pg for RRab stars with Blashko-effect.

RU Camelopardalis, a peculiar W Virginis-type Cepheid offers now a 
unique opportunity for studying the interplay between pulsation and 
irregular stellar activity. Demers and Fernie (1966) made three years 
ago the remarkable discovery that the star nearly stopped its light 
variation. Considering all available photoelectric observations I was 
able to show (Detre 1966) that the star exhibited cyclic amplitude 
variations with a mean cycle of about 5 years. Therefore, I expected an 
increase in the amplitude for the year 1967. Indeed the amplitude began 
to increase in the spring 1967, and in the summer it reached 0.3 mg. in 
V and nearly half a magnitude in B. But immediately, after Fernie and 
myself have reported about this amplitude increase at the Prague IAU 
meeting, the amplitude came back very rapidly to the small value it had 
in 1966 (Fig. 7). At first the light minimum, a little later the maximum 
passed to its former value. The star needed in both cases only four 
cycles of its 22 day-variation to restore the small amplitude.
The most important point we should know, how the spectrum changed. 
Faraggiana and Hack (1967) studied 11 high dispersion spectrograms taken 
by Prof. Deutsch between 1956 and 1961 when the light amplitude was 
normal. They observed hydrogen emission-lines from minimum to maximum 
and emission cores in the H and K lines on all the spectrograms 
sufficiently exposed in this region. The radial velocity curve obtained 
from these lines was shifted with respect to the curve for the 
absorption lines by about -70 km/sec, suggesting that the chromosphere 
of the star was in expansion. Demers and Crampton (1966) taking spectra 
during the small amplitude stage, state that no emission lines are 
visible. To the same conclusion comes Wallerstein (1967, 1968) using 
Lick coudé spectra. But unfortunately, these spectra do not contain the H,
K lines region. I wonder if there are any spectra taken during the 
quiescent or temporary recovery stage similar to those obtained formerly 
by Prof. Deutsch.

According to my opinion the pulsation mechanism of the star is very sensitive 
to changes of its magnetic field and we witness the effects of such changes in
the last time. I hope, the star will yet give opportunity to study this 
question. At present it shows irregular light variations with a V-amplitude 
smaller than 0.1 magnitude.


Fig. 6. Variations in the Blashko-effect of RR Lyrae.


Fig. 7. Light maxima and minima of RU Cam in V, according to photoelectric 
observations obtained by Szeidl at the 24" reflector of the Konkoly Observatory.

I have only touched some few aspects of irregular stellar activity. Our 
field is tremendous. From the theoretical side it comprises questions of 
stellar stability, pulsation theory, turbulence and shock wave theory, 
i.e., the dynamic theory of stellar envelopes, further, celestial 
mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics and questions of stellar evolution. From 
the observational side it extends over all periodic or non-periodic 
variables, over intrinsic as well as eclipsing variables. Its complete 
understanding postulates the knowledge of solar physics in highest 
degree. And the reason for not yet proposing a symposium with solar 
physicists, is because they would have a great advantage over us. We may 
hope that not in the far future variable star astronomers will be able 
to give the same help to solar physicists as they give at present to us.


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