B. Szeidl , J. Jurcsik, J.M. Benkô, G. Bakos

XZ Dra: observations spanning 70 years

No. 101 (Vol. 13, Part 1)
Budapest, 2001


During the past seventy years a great number of observations of XZ Dra have been collected at Konkoly Observatory. Here we publish 344 visual observations made by L. Detre in the years 1932 and 1934, 4440 photographic magnitudes obtained in the years 1935-1957, 40 white light photoelectric data from 1957, and 6066 UBV(RI)_c observations made between 1958-1988, and further CCD observations from 2001. All published observations are reviewed and the times of light maximum of XZ Dra are collected as well. New normal maxima have been determined in order to follow the star's long-term period changes.

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