Pan-STARS and K2 RR Lyrae stars investigated in Forro et al. paper. The table contains the properties of the stars that resulted from the search criteria. It has the following 12 columns: #1 RA [deg]: Right Ascension #2 Dec [deg]: Declination #3 EPIC ID: ID in Kepler's EPIC (Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog) catalog #4 Gaia DR3 ID: ID in Gaia DR3 #5 Type (Pan-STARRS): classification given in the Sesar et al. 2017 catalog (RRab or RRc only) #6 Type (K2): classification based on the K2 light curve #7 F_Pan-STARRS [c/d]: frequency from the Sesar et al. 2017 catalog #8 F_K2 [c/d]: frequency calculated from the K2 light curve #9 F_Gaia [c/d]: frequency from the Gaia DR3 RR Lyrae catalog (Clementini et al. 2023) #10 Kp [mag]: the brightness of the star in Kepler's Kp band #11 [mag]: the brightness of the star in Pan-STARRS flux-averaged g-filter #12 Frequency status: period comparison result (Match/Alias/Mismatch)